21 Jul STOP trying to out-talk prospects-Have better Conversations

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Louis C.K. talks on Conan O'brien about technology  Nathan Lunde-Berry

This video is about 5 minutes long and I found it quite hilarious and I hope you will also. By the time you get to the end, I hope you will have gotten a message about how guarded one should be about conversation and why as sales people, we  should allow our suspects to be the initiators of the subject matter while we assume the guide role. In other words, always be on the lookout for opportunities to make slight interjections in the conversation so it flows to where you want it to go, without you monopolizing the whole thing.

Often times in a conversation, we think we are so in-tuned to everything that everybody wants to hear what we have to say; so obligingly, we go on and on and on, because we put ourselves on a roll. Surely, we think to ourselves, if I like what I am saying, this poor schmuck should be delighted to hear it. How utterly wrong are we? The other person is usually just being kind and/or even patronizing.

As salespeople desiring success, we must be able to read situations like this and avoid them if we wish to make good of more sales opportunities. After getting the conversation going, there is only one thing you should concentrate on doing. If you read my previous post, I talked about it there. Shut-up and LISTEN.

Think about this. Just like you want to go on and on, so probably does the other person. Why should the other person get dibs? One way to remember the answer is this: let the other person get tired so when you make your sales pitch, they will need a rest and will be less inclined to interrupt you.

When doing business from home, it is possible to view oneself as an expert. This is not to be considered a bad thing as one should do all possible to know their product. On the other hand, this knowledge should not become a hindering factor to the communications process. Learn to control conversations with grace and diplomacy and increase your sales exponentially.  


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55