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As I woke up Friday morning,  I turned on the radio as I usually do to get the update's on today's issues. Because the BP Oil dilemma being perhaps the #1 topic still because of its continuing situation, I couldn't help but hear more talk about the disaster and the growing comments by both host & listener's. Later that evening, or shall I say early morning around 1:00 am, I tuned into coast to coast in which Art Bell had returned to do a whole show on the BP Dilemma.

The one good thing that has emerged from this dilemma is that there is now a heightened awareness/ attention and focus on alternative energy methods. The besides the constant influx of ideas has flooding the Media on the containment efforts, these ideas & solutions to alternative energy is now sharing the spotlight.                                   It's 2010 and it's time to advance from the primitive energy sources this world has been relying on since the industrial revolution, but because of political & social issues plaguing our society, we have not paid attention to what's been happening to our environment since the late 50's. We have been strategically distracted by personal gain & social issues.

I've always told people over the last several years that we must equally focus on our environment due to the fact that it is also being assaulted just as much as our civil liberties and other injustices we have to deal with in our society.

While we fight against our political & social issues, lobbying, marching, speaking, talking... etc. Our environment has been in jeopardy in a literal assault. And no one has paid much attention to the very air we breathe which is highly contaminated. Yes, by default, much of this contamination has transferred to our FOOD CHAIN! And because of this, we are now paying the price for turning our heads away from the environment because we are getting sick & sicker every decade. Cancers and toxins poison our bodies daily and no one seems to care.

Every space shuttle that goes up dumps over 1 ton of poisonous toxins into the air from the boosters & exhaust systems you see as it gets literally blown into space. But all we do is applaud whenever they televise the launching of one of these garbage dump / environmental destruction beasts into the atmosphere. And who or shall I say what companies are benefitting from our airborne / environmental illnesses? YEP! ... The Pharmaceutical companies that charges 100 times over the actual market value for the medicines we need to only temporarily relieve us from these illness or symptoms. -remember my pointing out "THE CAUSE & EFFECT STRATEGY" of companies that is either ran or directed by the same officials that call the shots in the Oil Industry and corporate America.

Let's apply a little common sense here. It will do us little good only focusing on marching, rallying, protesting, boycotting-let alone advancing as a people in our daily struggles in America if we are all getting poisoned to the point of sickness and then death, due to the cancers and other forms of illness's we have contracted from the toxins in or environment, let alone the effect on the brain resulting in altering our thinking.  This distraction is perhaps the most tactful strategy of our time. Give the less fortunate / disadvantaged other issues to distract them from the all important issue of YOUR HEALTH! All our marching and lobbing will do us little good if our children have to grow up in this kind of environment where they can suddenly wake up one morning and be diagnosed with some form of cancer or lung ailment, or disease that may cut their life short in the next few years. It doesn't matter if they are the brightest, talented, most productive person on the block if they have a form of cancer, asthma or other illness's  that will stifle their productivity and take their life before they will reach 21 or 30. That is tantamount to the shooting /killing phenomenon as we are already seeing a never before in history numbers of people (especially our children) diagnosed with asthma and other life threatening ailments & diseases.

Ask yourself this question...

 ‘Why do the pharmaceutical companies profits on human life??? They just want to keep you sick enough to keep making money off you. They can't help but come up with these high profit drugs, because of what chemicals are being dumped into the environment. Remember again- cause & effect.  People are still living in fear and they rely on the drugs out there to make them well. May of the Politician's have been working with the Pharmaceutical industry.  Donald Rumsfeld made billions from the ascertain Co.

And this poisoning of our water from the Oil dilemma, dumping sites, Automobiles & Diesel exhausts, Aircraft, the space shuttle... etc., that's fueling that industry by putting the cause... (the toxic/disease elements in the air ) into the human body and thus effect.. (illness associated with that cause) with the covered solution, the pharmaceuticals (to mask a cure for you) yet a temporary cure that causes you to keep purchasing the drug... (and in most cases, for the rest of your life).

When you present a cure for theses ailments, it kills billions of dollars p/year for these companies - Like the cure for Diabetes which make billions for these companies.

So be aware of the page from the ole school playbook. We need to make as much noise and direct our efforts to cleaning our environment and implementing clean / alternative energy sources as much as our other social issues. There is very little we can do when we are sick and or dying off from being literally poisoned for profit.  

Stayyyyy focused!


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55