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Yeah, I'm going there. I tried to give this disaster the benefit of the doubt but there's absolutely too much evidence and coincidence that the BP OIL Spill disaster is Deliberate! How many times have I stated that everything going on in this country from politics to National incidents is either Pre-planned or deliberately continued to further the agendas of the powers that be; The true owners of the United States... the Banking Family Empires that own, run & control everything from the Federal Reserve to Capitol Hill, from the Media to the Monster Corporations, from the Military to the Police Station in your neighborhood.  Almost 3 weeks after the oil rig blew and the spill/leak was obviously going to be a major problem as the flow approached to the gulf, I wondered then, why haven't they stopped the damn leak and why haven't they stop the spill to prevent it from entering the gulf??? I also wondered what this leak will do to the economy and the environment as it reached the shores of the gulf, particularly Louisiana, where much of the main fisheries are based where those jobs will be instantly affected. Yes, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. They are contributing to the tanking of the economy!

Now let's observe the facts going back to the blow up.

1; Engineers and workers on board the Oil rig had warned BP that there's a pending accident due to the over-pressure in the RIG. What did BP Exect's do? Nothing! They swept the warnings under the Table. They ignored the request to turn the SHUT OFF VALVE that's controls the entire pumping system to decrease the pressure.

2; Keep in mind of the technological age we live in. There is absolutely too much technology or methods available to stop this leak in two weeks, not two to three months which is now projected by BP. I have mentioned in my articles that certain technologies are stifled to maintain the economic situation in this country and around the world for greed and control. This is the same strategy or objective executed by BP or shall I say the powers that be over BP, which owns BP-(British Petroleum) for those who doesn't know what BP stands for. BP was bought by Standard Oil, who by the way- the owners are the Rockefellers- one of the Banker families that owns the Fed and more!

Now let's go back about 2 weeks. I have heard from several outside sources as well as listening to my own sources that several companies and also independent contractors have approached or attempted to approach BP to give them the solutions on how to stop the leak in a week or to let them know that they can stop this leak in about a week. "We have the equipment and we can stop the leak right now"... just one of the comments I've heard from interviews. The problem is... BP will not listen to them and or has rejected any assistance what so ever. Now also keep in mind that the World's top engineers have converged on the BP camp to also offer these solutions to stop the leak immediately. They know how to stop this leak by the weekend, but they won't deploy the technology or methods to do so, because it is way too soon. They need this leak to continue to destroy the coastlines to further tanking our economy plain & simple! The economical & environmental chain reaction is huge! And if you don't think this will affect you-you are gravely mistaken!

And if you're not convinced that this is deliberate yet. Try this on for size.

Last week an engineer conducted an experiment in which he had a 30 gallon tank of pure/clean water. He held up one (1) pint of oil and poured it into the water, stirred it around to blend in with the water. The water turned the lightly reddish color of the oil. Then he places about one pound of straw in the water and stirred the straw around in the water. He then removed the straw and afterwards, you could see that the water had returned to its natural crystal clear form. The observers claimed that you could drink this water once again. You see, straw has a Natural solvent based-absorbent that naturally sucks up oil like a sponge! BP knows this, the White house knows this, so why haven't they ordered tons of straw to line the Pre-shores of the Gulf to keep it from reaching into the gulf??? Because they wanted it to reach into the Gulf!

3; BP used a toxic dispursant on the spill to minimize the magnitude of this disaster to the public. This dispursant is used to blend with the Oil to make it drop below the surface of the water, only to contaminate our ecological environment. This disbursent is banned in Europe by BP but they used it here in our environment to minimize the disaster. Now- not only are people getting sick from this disbursent, but the food chain is dying or has been contaminated.

Last night, as I watched the live Stream feed on MFN, I could see that this robotic showcase is just for show. They obviously want the angered public to believe that they are doing everything they can to stop the leak, so they deployed these metallic actors to put on the best show possible! And it's a great show! And much of the public is falling for it - HOOK-LINE & SINKIER!  The plans to cut the pipe so they can place a cap on it failed due to the saw getting stuck and thus causing another section of this pipe to hemorrhage more oil. During our meeting on Monday, we declared that there will be even more attempts and failures to keep us entertained as the leak continues to grow adding to the catastrophe, and sho-nuff--- this diamond saw got stuck? Failed? Yes... right on schedule just as we figured.

Also, you have to listen very carefully to what BP is telling us. They have to actually build a cap (a stalling tactic) and measure the pipes to correctly size the cap. Now BPs engineers already have all the measurements of every nook & cranny of their pipelines, so why do they have to measure this??? They know what pie is for what purpose and those pipes and measurements are logged! I can go on and on with more evidence, but this is the juicy stuff and you more than likely understand what time it really is.

Bottom line... we have to wait out this deliberate operation and weather this economic & environmental disaster storm the best way we can, and hold on to our hats because this is only the beginning of what's to come.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55