13 May Everyone Counts, When Doing Business From Home, No Time to Hate

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You have, with due diligence, taken advantage of the opportunity presented by FaceBook to have your business page there and you think you have done a great job and you are actually beaming, until you run across the above presentation. All of a sudden you have some concerns about who is really seeing you facebook ad? Is it doing any good at all? Did I just waste a bunch of time creating it? I submit that you should jus relax and let the tools that you have employed tell you the true story. There are some factors that you control that will render your Facebook page and any other page invaluable to your overall advertising effort, when used in conjunction with each other.

Prior to getting started with your Facebook ad page, you have already established you overall Advertising Plan. It is a part of your Marketing Strategy that you have also learned, do not mean the same thing. You know that branding is important, as are Keywords and Names. You are directing all of your efforts from a central location called your Work center or Homepage or whatever you call it. It is the place where everything you do is directed from. You know that at this point, if you don't have a product to sell or service to render, it is okay, because before all of that comes; Who Are You? So, we are going to start out letting people know who you are and that they should get to know you because you are a good person to know and I am willing to prove it by getting to know you too. I have great things to share with you at some point in this relationship and I am going to give then to you a bit at the time since I have no intention of overwhelming you with information. In fact, I want to build a rapport with you so that you feel perfectly comfortable to tell me even, of something you may want to know. By the title of my post, you know that I am a person who works a business from home and I have strong leanings toward that subject in my dealings with others. Perhaps you have been thinking of doing something similar? Well, you must know that I will be glad to share my formula for my success and you must come to trust that I am not attempting to blow smoke up your butt. Please don't ask me to give my personal bank numbers and do realize that with the time and effort involved in doing what I do on the internet, it has to be rewarding for me of I would be in Florida picking oranges or beans or whatever it takes to but bread on my table. I am a living witness however, that I, you or anyone can be successful at doing business from home. If you are in a urban area, how nice would it be to not have to spend between one-half to 2 hours, getting to a job daily and then repeat this in the afternoon? No more angry stares and middle-finger salutes exchanged with nice people like yourself who are caught up in a process, the same as you. You can break out of this mold and that is what I aim to show you on the pages of my blog. I implore you to give it a chance to work for you in a very non-threatening environment. My purpose is not to convince you that you "should", only to help you realize the possibilities. My Associates and I, do this on almost a daily basis  and we will surely welcome you to have a look.

This post as well as my previous ones have a similar theme and message. The power in you, can be harnessed to accomplish whatever  your heart desires. your mind can be trained to provide for your hearts desires. So, as far at the graph at the beginning of this post is concerned, there are NO groups of people that I would not like to find me on Facebook, as I firmly believe firstly, that I have no enemies or haters, and secondly, anyone with time to hate have to little to do and are not about fulfilling the promise they should make to themselves: Being All They Can Be and giving back to the society that embraced them.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55