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As I read blogs, articles and Ads here and on other so called business / entrepreneur networking sites, I noticed a very disturbing mindset. I've yet to find anyone writing, blogging about or providing our children the necessary motivation, information / opportunities to start their Entrepreneurship / Business's today. Nor have I seen anyone stressing the importance of mentoring them and providing them with this information. You would think that out of all theses so called Black Business & Marketing Professionals on these networking sites & blogging communities, there would be one of yawl that is conscious enough and also intelligent enough to see that the key to our future in economic growth and stability and the Black family & community is our CHILDREN! Let me re-iterate: EVERYONE HERE or on theses sites (with maybe the exception of one) IS DIRECTING THEIR EFFOTS TO ADULTS NOT CHILDREN--OUR  YOUTH! AND OUR CHILDREN IS THE MOST INFLUENCED PEOPLE ON THE PLANET!

For they are the ones we should be focusing our intellect (Knowledge & Wisdom) on to provide them the Love, mentoring and vital information & opportunities to at least be confident enough to step out into this sick & selfish world and start a business to employ our people, for no other race will do so! They need the confidence and information to be able to compete with their foreign counterparts in commerce, politics and industry-as these nationalities flood this country and prosper because we have neglected our own! They need to know that they are capable of obtaining other avenues of employment or business opportunities other than being a rapper, an NBA player and drug dealer.

This is why they are out in the streets disrespecting us and killing each other, just living for the moment instead of living for the future. This is because we are not giving them a future to look forward too! No wonder they are so pissed at us! No Wonder other nationalities here like Asians, Hispanics, Arabs... etc. laugh at us, disrespect us and refuse to support our business or stand by us.

Thank GOD they can go to a TRUE and AUTHENTIC networking & information community like MFN http://multifacetnetwork-tinmaninc.webs.com/ where our children are catered to and are just as important as the elder professionals. Thank GOD we have conscious Black Media out lets like WVON 1690 am in Chicago that urges people everyday-particularly our  youth to be strong, positive individuals and start their business's to save our floundering community & our future!

Until we focus on our future, which starts with our youth, WE HAVE NO FUTURE!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55