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As I woke up Tuesday morning and watched President Obama sign The Heath Care Reform Bill into law in which everybody claims History was made - I had to ask myself...  "What was the true reason for passing this HEATH CARE REFORM BILL (LAW)?" Yes, on Tuesday, March 23rd History was made alright. At no time in U.S. History was the people's Freedom to Purchase Rights taken away by the Highest Office in the land! It is now on the books as LAW that it is MANDATORY (A Mandate) to purchase some kind of Insurance by the year 2014- (The deadline mentioned in the BILL).

Yesterday, March 23, 2010 mine as well as all Americans constitutional rights were once again violated. People do not realize that our right for Freedom of Purchase was taken away by the signing of this bill. Now let there be no mistake in my thinking or beliefs. I am totally for a comprehensive health care plan that will benefit every American. This comprehensive plan is known as Universal Health Care! But is The Health Care Reform Bill Universal Health Care??? NO!!! Universal Health care has been implemented in Countries far less wealthy than the United States for decades now. Universal Health care is FREE HEALTH CARE (NO INSURANCE NEEDED / REQUIRED) for those less fortunate or Working-non-working poor in countries. The funds for health care are funded through their governments. And this country has enough monetary resources to provide Universal Health care for its citizens like other countries have accomplished! By President Obama signing this bill into law, people were all excited by the passing of this bill because they believe that they are going to receive Health care without them spending little or monies at all which will be given out like WELFARE. This is not the case! If you've been listening to the description of the bill, it states this is AFFORDABLE Health care for Americans, not FREE (UNIVERSAL).  THIS HEALTH CARE BILL DOES NOT MEAN FREE! It's just more OBTAINABLE and AFFORDABLE for those who have the financing to purchase insurance- that's all! And even if you don't have the finances, you are still REQUIRED BY LAW TO PURCHASE ONE! This means that you as an American are now forced ... yes... FORCED to purchase a product (A Health Care Coverage (Insurance) Plan) without your permission, let alone input as a U.S. citizen along with any consideration of your economic (financial) situation.

As a matter of fact, this country already has a form of health care to serve people in emergencies. Let's say you're in perfect health and have no interest in purchasing a Health care Coverage??? If you get into an auto accident and have to hit the emergency room, that is entirely on you, however, hospitals cannot turn you away and you will indeed be billed for the services rendered...cool! Emergency rooms are required by law to serve. Now let's say you're currently unemployed along with the estimated 8 - 10 million Americans currently unemployed because of the economy and has no insurance plan. You've been out of work for months or even years now and it's now estimated that most Americans, let alone African Americans won't return to the workforce until the year 2016 - 2020 because of the current economic situation. It's a good chance you're living off of unemployment which on the average pays about $450.00 every two weeks. There is absolutely no way you can afford to fork out anywhere from $50.00 - $250. P/ month for insurance from these miniscule checks.

I for one has no intention of purchasing any insurance plan except for providing coverage for my employees in my  business's,  but I (Individually) -feel that I do not need any insurance being single, with no children in great shape, and is taking great care of myself so I have no emergency status reasons for doctor visits and so on. If I continue to elevate my financial bracket, if I'm involved in an emergency like an auto accident or other, then I will pay the bill after serviced. Nor should any human be forced to make a purchase of anything, especially if it's not in their interest.  That's goes against the constitution that this government follows - which they are violating! Now yes, obviously, this health care reform bill will do some good in private sectors - (just like the Phony Stimulus Package's did). Business's will get bigger tax breaks to be able to provide health care for their employees, Insurance companies cannot kick you off your plan because you get sick, children can be on their parents plans until they are 26 years old and so on, but these are current band aids - today- that's makes everybody real happy. However, they did not explain the devastating long term effects which we will see and all experience starting in 2014. And the biggest beneficiaries of this NEW LAW will obviously be the INSURANCE COMPANIES, CORPORATE AMERICA AND THE IRS! NOT THE AMERCAN INDIVIDUAL / PUBLIC. Even if you are working, the monthly deductions are so high that you can't afford any more deductions from your pay check, unless you are making over $35,000.00 p/yr. which the average worker is not.  And the kicker is... If you do not purchase a health care plan by 2014, you will be fined! FINED! Yes, FINED- as in charging you for deciding Purchasing a pan is not in your best interest either health wise or financially. I've found out that the fines can range from $200.00 - $1,500.00 which may be deducted from your paychecks (garnishments), your taxes, ECT.  Any avenue they can siphon the FINE from your economic / income pool has been put into law for siphoning options! GURANTEEED! And because this law will be enforced in 2014 (the Deadline), millions will naturally ignore this and forget this demand until the last moment (the year 2014) as they continue fight & struggle to maintain any sort of economic stability. Now they say the government will subsidize those who are out of work, but at what price??? YOU WILL STILL BE TAXED FOR THIS! When people who refuse to purchase insurance is confronted by the IRS, The law- this will cause a huge upheaval! Mass Riots in the streets, demonstrations, arrests, boycotts and so on. And lets not forget, this Health Care Reform Bill and its enforcement will force even more Americans into BANKRUPTCY, DEFAULT ON HOME LOANS (MORE FORECLOSURES), LOSE THEIR CARS (FOR THOSE WHO STILL HAVE CARS),  have LESS FOOD ON THE TABLE and so on!

In reality, this BILL is designed to further plummet this current monetary system into the toilet to give the government the perfect excuse to change the monetary system to the AMERO CURRENCY SYSTEM (the merging of U.S., Mexico and Canadadian Currency / Monetary System) - which former president George W. Bush had signed into legislate back during his first term of his presidency. This new Currency System has been carefully monitored since 2001 and is right on schedule as planned and  also predicted. The HEALTH CARE REFORM BILL was in short an exercise... an EXPERIMENT. Because of this, you must realize that because of the event taken place on Tuesday, March 23 2010, we as a people in the United States are no longer living under a Constitution. You, me and the entire Country is now under a Dictatorship Regime! DICTATORSHIP MEANS -Dictating (forcing) you to participate in any Situation, Function or Action without your consent or permission. Now that they see that you openly gave up this freedom without a fight or restraint, I guarantee you there are more mandatory LAWS planned which again, you will unknowingly be duped into asking for.  And remembver... Be part of the solution, not part of the problem! Stayyyyyy focused!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55