01 Apr A Different Take on Number ONE

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As innocent as the title of this post sounds, if you are Doing Business From Home, I think you would be wise to examine it closely.

Here is my point. As a business owner, time can be our friend or our enemy and we must determine which it will be. There are 24 hours in a day and how we use them is up to us. Often our success or failure, is in direct correlation to how well we manage our time or to put it more succinctly, how much time do we waste? There are no do-over’s where time is concerned. If you boil an Easter egg for three minutes, you can then boil it for another three minutes, but not for the same original three minutes. We now have boiled it six minutes. Once used, time is gone forever. You will never see today again.

Many business people forget this I believe, as they go about the task of how they will spend their days. As a results of this overlook, we business people get caught up in doing meaningless task that may make us feel good, or better, but do precious little toward moving our business forward. I do not mean to imply that we can’t do things that are not related to business. Heaven forbid. I will submit to you however, that successful business people or entities have clear delineations of who does what; when. In other words, it is about having a plan.

I want to be successful with my business without all my time being spent in front of my computer. I decide what I need to do and map out a strategy that I can live with and pursue it. As I earn new money from my business, I reinvest it in things that help me do a better job of doing what I am trying to do. I work hard at trying to remember that my government wants me to be successful also and is very generous in what it will allow me to use my business earnings for, with regard to taxing me for improving my lot in life. Ain’t America Great? Check with the tax code of your particular country for information on business taxation.

Everyone regardless of their specific location, has 24 hours per day to use as they see fit. A person can plan how their day will be spent effectively or their day can be spent in catch-up mode because they failed to plan. 12 Second Commute advocates not only planning but the effective utilization of tools dedicated to maximizing the time factor as well. 12 second Commute wants you to fully see the advantages of having a team of advisors to assist you when the need arises, as do I. We cordially invite you to partake of our offering for 30 days at no charge. Just click here to begin. There is always room at our Fountain.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55