28 Mar Aiding & Assisting by Emmanuel Brown

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Support could come from many different ways, it does always mean to carry the weight of another person and it does not always mean that there requires any pain or strain. Giving someone else support usually ends up being mutually beneficial, when it can be something that could be used in a cycle.

Black Men and Black Women really need to work together more to see progress that can create different areas of growth that will benefit black people as a whole. This is not to exclude anyone, but it is to bring balance and prosperity to black people through black people.

Black Men and Black Women have the opportunity to gain much more control over our future, when we work together towards our future. There are times that we turn the other cheek, deny one another, and always feel like we have to be in competition with our own people.

Black Men and Black Women are doing amazing things, but all black people are not always aware of our own accomplishments since we do not always speak highly of each other. We can not and should believe that others will support our people fully, when we are not highly supportive of our own people.

There are plenty of initiatives that were created to show support to our people and we should all consider supporting those with an open mind. Let's work together - we will get much further.

Emmanuel Brown is currently working on the following initiatives through SeeinGrowth.com: Online community looking to refer 10,000 Black-owned Businesses to the Black community, Initiative seeking 1,000 mentors to reduce violence, and Black History program seeking 730 positive Black Men and Women to share their stories to serve as positive influences. Contact us concerning any of these at http://seeinggrowth.com/Feedback---Requests---Contacts.php

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55