07 Feb How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft During Tax Season

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How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft During Tax Season

In the coming weeks, many Americans can expect to receive W-2s and other tax forms that detail
just how much money they made over the last year. Unfortunately, at least some of those forms are
likely to include a person's full Social Security number and bank account number. In the wrong hands, that information can lead to identify theft.

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a non-profit consumer advocacy group based in San Diego, suggests
that consumers take the following steps to secure their tax forms over the next few months:

- If you've moved during the year, contact each company you've worked for and give them
  your new address rather than relying on the Post Office to forward your mail.
- Use a Post Office box or buy a mailbox that you can lock.
- Have the Post Office hold your mail if you are going to be away for more than one night.
- Never leave mail in your mailbox overnight

Identity theft can be devastating, and the process of restoring your good name can be overwhelming
and costly.


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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55