13 Jan Why I luv My Autoresponder

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Considering there was a recent time when I had no idea what an autoresponder was or did, to now, being fully comfortable using one, I truly wonder how I ever did without it; I have come a long way. If you are one who does business on the internet or is somehow engaged in corresponding with large and/or growing numbers of people online, may I suggest you look into using an autoresponder as well?
The choices in autoresponders are as varied as the stars above and the same can be said for their quality and cost/price, which range from free to expensive. As one who is on a tight budget, I stay as close to free as possible while checking the quality button also.
The Autoresponder I use is from a company with which I have a business affiliation and is known as 12 Second Commute (12SC). Rest assured that all of the money angles were checked and rechecked. This checking was important because as I previously mentioned, there are even some free autoresponders available.
I learned that some of the free and less expensive autoresponders are emblazoned with various forms of advertising and the only name I want to advertise is Olson Rogers and the company or product I want to message about. So having a commercial-free autoresponder was important.
I also wanted an autoresponder that was easy to use since I am not an internet whiz like some of the younger folks of today. I did not want to turn completely gray while I attempted to decipher a set of complex instructions.
I was more than pleased by what I found in terms of tools and resources available from 12 Second Commute. In addition to their autoresponder being commercial-free, there were no restrictions of any kind and it was a part of a total tools package that I or anyone, would need to work from home. I also discovered that; there was a video training library of unimaginable scope, live moderated online training at least four nights a week and a user's forum on Skype. Oh yes, I could also use the total system for 30 days, absolutely free. Even after the trial period, with the total package considered, no other autoresponder offer came close to the 12 Second Commute offer. So I signed up and now, I am a Happy Camper.
So, if you are in need of an autoresponder for whatever you are doing from your computer, I would certainly recommend you take the 30 days free trial offered by 12 Second Commute and give it your best test to see if it will meet your needs. The bonus for you will be not only the resounding ‘yes' conclusion from your tests, but the additional benefits from all the other tools in this total package.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55