31 Dec Habari Gani

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We're back and better than ever! We've added new writers like Steve Williams of BIA fame who has taken over our Geekology page and old friends like Health Editor Belinda Anderson are again bringing it straight - no chaser. From The Decade in Retrospective to The Booty Meat, Not Ur Momma's News is bringing it raw and real. Check us out now. In addition to the kool new Social Networking capability we've added to Not Ur Momma's News, we've created an official family gathering place called All Things NUMN. We hope you'll join us there; we're excited for the opportunity to get to know you better and hope you share your talents and views often. While we're on the subject of getting to know you better, we're taking every opportunity to learn how we can make Not Ur Momma's News the cyber-news you simply must read. To that end, we ask you to take 5 minutes and complete our Reader's Survey; there's plenty of room for comments and we can't wait to hear what you have to say about how we do what we do. Thanks so much in advance for your help; we can't be the best we can be without you. Take the survey here. Next time we talk a New Year will have begun. We pray 2010 will be a year of dreams beyond your wildest dreams come true; in an effort to help you set it off on the good foot, we invite you to download your FREE copy of Start Your Business Today Without One Thin Dime by Not Ur Momma's News Publisher Michelle Roberts. You'll learn how to develop your business plan, identify your target market and get tips for turning contacts into sales; Roberts even includes a list of 12 ways to start earning online immediately without one thin dime. Don't miss out; download your copy here. Lastly, please take time to welcome the 2 newest Pillars of the Bridge: Robert Gray of Xpressions Limos and Jamaye Despaigne of Ageless Freedom. Show them your love and support. There's nobody like Not Ur Momma's News readers; we hope you know how much we love and appreciate you. Hari za Kwanzaa & Happy New Year Not Ur Momma's News
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55