26 Dec Control your Tongue

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Recently while attempting to absorb new knowledge factors from around the ether, I came across a question that caused me to stop ‘graveyard dead' in my tracks. And while the stop only lasted long enough for me to reread the question, I believe it is worthy of mentioning here and even more importantly, how you should be prepared to answer, should the question be posed to you.

I believe that one should always be prepared to answer questions about their business. Having said that, let me be clear that I don't mean; chomping-at-the-bit, ready to answer or blurting out the answer like a proud school kid. I mean prepared to respond appropriately to any given situation because; you are actively listening at all times and even though you may not have uttered a single word, you are in total control of the one person who counts and yep, you are right, that person is you. Nobody can MAKE you say anything you may regret, as long as you maintain control of your tongue. Know your product in and out, up and down, know yourself the same way and you are almost there. You should also know people like to make other people squirm. If person ‘A' can put you on the defensive immediately, then person ‘A', wins and is in control and most people seek to be in control. You have the ultimate power  however, by your decision to be controlled or to be controlling. As the purveyor of a good or service, you must learn the difference and use it to your advantage and hence feed your family and reach your goals. This is not a mean game, to most people, it is just the way things are. Understand it and move forward.

Now, what was that Question? "Why should I buy from you when I can buy from your competition at a cheaper price? That's it. The nerve of it. So here is how I came up with my response. I am an affiliate owner of 12 Second Commute, the most complete online business package on the market today. A program built on 1o years of research and development that includes the tool and resources to get any business onto the internet with minimum effort and personal frustration. Then I thought about what exactly is offered and I mentally listed the following:

12 Second Commute includes all the following tools and resources in one easy to use account. We give you the convenience of having everything necessary to succeed in one place so you are not wasting your precious time and money bouncing all over the Internet to run your business.

Autoresponder-You simply must have an Autoresponder if you are going to succeed, but you also need a reliable, powerful and easy to use AR and that is just what you will get with 12SC. Please note that you cannot import any leads into the AR as that will only produce spam. However those who succeed online, don't waste their money buying useless leads anyway and with our online videos and conferences we will show you exactly how to build a quality and responsive list using the only AR you will ever need.

Ad and Link Tracker-Do you know which ads and links are getting you the best results? Do you know where your hits to your site(s) come from? With the ad and link tracker in 12SC, you will be able to track pages, sites, URL's and more. You will get easy to use reports which will allow you to only advertise in places that give you the best results. Plus, you will be able to cloak any link you want so you never have to worry about losing affiliate commissions again. The ad tracker is the second must have tool if you are going to succeed online.

URL Rotator-This amazing tool will allow you to promote multiple products, services and programs with one link which will save you time and money in advertising. It is also a great way to help your downline build their business which in turn ensures your business is built faster and with less effort. Time and money are the 2 things everyone wants more of and this third must have tool in 12SC will get you more of both.

Capture Page Creator-This is another must have tool if you want to get out of the rat race and work from home. You must have the ability to easily create and maintain your capture pages and you must do this without having to learn HTML, Java or any of those other nasty 4 letter words. With the capture page creator in 12SC, you will be able to build your own capture page(s) or use one of the many templates setup in your account.

Contact Manager-Building a list is great and necessary but if you don't keep in touch with your prospects and clients, you will never reach the top. Having a world class contact manager solves this issue and since the contact manager in 12SC will be automatically tied into your Autoresponder, your job is simply a matter of managing prospects and clients instead of having them manage you.

Program Builder-This nifty service will allow you to quickly and easily get your downline on the same page as you without them having to do anything but sign up to 12SC with you. Regardless of the product, program or service you are promoting, you set this up one time and as you grow your business, your clients will be able to easily duplicate your success.

As Zig Ziglar says, "You can have anything in life you want if you just help enough other people get what they want" Other people want to succeed too, but they have no idea where to start. With the downline builder, this will never be a problem again because this tool will duplicate your prospecting process with just a few clicks of the mouse. Nothing can be simpler and nothing is more powerful.

Training Center for Newbie's-It is easy to tell someone how to tie their shoes, but nearly impossible for them to follow you. This is why 12SC will have the Training Center for Newbie's. This area of the site will show people how to do everything from copying and pasting to advertising and selling online.

Then I remembered, 12 Second Commute ,has no competitors, so it would have been a complete waste of personal energy and resources to have given this question an inappropriate blurt or emotional retort. I would have blown all possibilities of conversion and friendship. These are also the lessons one learns from association with the type of business professionals who moderate the training at 12 Second Commute. So stop wasting your valuable time  and money, on half assed attempts to help you do business. Click on the hyperlink here 12 Second Commute and let our team show you what it is like to be a shonuf winner.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55