08 Dec More Than Just A Rainy Night In Georgia

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On Sunday, December 6, 2009, I added yet another title to the long list of things; small and large, that have become noteworthy to me, if to no one, else, during my lifetime. “I survived an Earthquake”. What is different about this one is why I am talking and writing about it, two (2) days later? Usually, it would have been forgotten a few minutes beyond it’s occurrence. We did have two earthquakes back in April 2009. I was sitting then, right where I am now, here at my computer; hunting and pecking (I call it typing) away at one of many business projects. When ‘The Quake’ started I instantly thought I was having a brain eruption over my latest advertising idea , but alas, it was not to be.


The people whose job it is to measure earthquakes, reported to us that our baby was just that, a baby, compared to some of the more menacing quakes. It measured 3.2, on the Richter Scale, which establishes a standard of earth movement internationally. It was over in an instant.


It is the thought however, of my ability or inability to react in that instant, that is the basis of what I am writing here. Folks don’t normally like to dwell too long on unpleasant subjects or situations they cannot control. I just want you however to think on this for just a moment. If you have never experienced an earthquake, this will rely heavily on your imagination; if you have, you will probably be able to lend even more insight to what I am about to lay-out.


In less time than it takes to turn 180 degrees in a swivel chair, an earthquake had happened and was over. It’s impact had been felt over five (5) rural counties in central Georgia, that is home to roughly 140,000 people. It was a small quake and no damage was reported and that is a very good thing. This is however, where the “just suppose(es)’, begin. My main one is; Just suppose it had been a larger quake, similar to the ones that occur in California on occasion? I think that was all of the “Just Supposing”, I needed to do for now because I became instantly aware of how powerless I, as a man would be in such a situation.


Here I was, sitting at my desk and an earthquake erupted and before I deduced what it was, it was over. Had it been packed with more power, I could have just as easily have been at the bottom of a pile with my house and all possessions on top of me. I gained a new respect for the power of nature, a new empathy for victims everywhere and I moved a little closer to the one I look to for protection in situations that I cannot control and just say Thank you God.


What about you, have you had a similar experience? Would you care to share your learning from it?


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55