28 Nov Hats and Prayer Cloths - Sexual Fulfillment from the Pulpit

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                                     'The Family In The Car

                                             A Revelation'




                                          PRAYER CLOTHS

      Coming Soon!                        



Placed in human beings are the needs and desires necessary for reproduction. Along with these natural desires, comes personal gratification, as well as, pleasure.  All of these are important to the continuance of the life cycle.  Without them, humanity would become extinct.

Someone once said that they believed God purposely made sex pleasurable so that procreation would come with ease and there would be no problem in keeping the world populated.  As you can see, the world does not have that problem, whatsoever.

It is completely normal for women to have desires to be loved physically.  Women are physical beings with fleshly needs. 

For so long, the church has made it taboo for a woman to embrace those physical needs, wants and desires, as if they were types of diseases of some sort.  Women have felt the isolation that came with the forbidden, especially the single women.

Why has the church continued to propel this false ideology that God was a woman's all in all and if they had Jesus, it was enough?   Why hasn't the church come forth in a greater force to make an effort in the liberation of these females?  How can a fleshly need such as sexual satisfaction be met in something spiritual and sacred?  God is a spirit and people are flesh.

No matter how many times they repeat "Devil you are a liar" and "Get thee behind me Satan", the needs are still there.  Women are walking around wondering what's wrong with them.  With all the rebuking and binding, they can't seem to get rid of those sinful, nasty desires.  Why?

Women have suffered long enough; from self hatred and not feeling good enough, some even to the point of annihilation.

Stop asking that your internal desires be removed and just accept the fact that you are wonderfully and marvelously made.

                           It's Time You Set Yourself Free!

Copyright (c) 2009

All Rights Reserved      

Brenda Farrar-Ejemai

CEO, Favor Blooms, LLC

Board, United Black Writers Association



ISBN: 978-1-58909-485-7  


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55