09 Nov Life in the Fast Lane -- You must be who you say you are.

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The Fast Lane in the Information Age is no place for charlatans.  This is not the place to "fake it 'til you make it."  In the Information Age, you must be who you say you are, or anonymity will be permanent.  Why is this so?

In 1992, when the Internet was in its infancy, I asked a colleague to explain how this phenomenon works.  This was during the age of proprietary networks -- before open systems became a way of life.  He explained the Internet this way:

"The Internet is an amorphous blob of people, held together only by the kindness of strangers."

In fast lane, you only have one chance to make a good first impression, and the participants are able to unmask the fakers quite rapidly.  So, you must "be who you say you are" or your 15 minutes of fame  will be reduced to 15 seconds.  The viral nature of this lane is such that one can become instantly famous, or instantly kicked to the curb.  Word spreads fast either way.  To sustain your success and keep up, you must "be real."

In popular culture, "being real" is a social acceptance criteria that reduces the participants to the lowest common denominator.  In the  fast lane, just the opposite is true.  Being real elevates participants to their highest potential.  You must keep up with the complexity of the technology, deal with strangers honestly, and "never take advantage of your friends and connections."

In the fast lane, you will meet many virtual contacts whose faces you will never see, but whose trust is vital to your success.  The prime directive is "Never lie to strangers."

In this lane, "You must be who you say you are."

Roger Madison
CEO, iZania LLC


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55