31 Oct Your Ability to Finally Acquire a Simplified Business Companion, Continues on Schedule

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By way of an update of sorts, I am pleased to report the following with regard to the highly anticipated launch of 12 Second Commute(12SC), which as you have read previously, is scheduled for Monday, 02 November 2009. During a brief, live update, conducted by CEO Darryl Graham from Corporate Headquarters in Falls Church,VA, all in attendance, were told essentially that “ALL Systems are GO!” and the company expects a smooth launch on Monday.

This is extremely good news to the countless numbers of citizens who have  been affected by the tough economic realities in the world today. 12SC, as you will recall is a unique internet program that offers Step-by-Step instructions for launching and becoming successful with any business via the internet. According to the information released at Wednesday’s briefing; 12SC provides the Tools, Resources and Training, to guide the brand new internet marketer(newbie) to an online presence as well as helping the established online marketer beyond the point they are presently, thus guiding both groups, towards greater success.

CEO Graham, asserts that 12SC’s approach is unique for several reasons, among which are; the provision of the necessary internet marketing tools that are 1st quality tools with step-by-step instructions on how to use them and when; Live training that includes the 12SC tools, along with the workings of the internet as it relates to marketing. He also added the these live training sessions are complemented by a most extensive video training library, as well as live technical support via moderated VOIP rooms, which are staffed by volunteer affiliates. Every opportunity to learn and excel is provided by 12SC on a consistent basis. The person who enrolls in 12SC is always a just a IM, Email or call away from someone who can assist with any hint of a problem encountered in their pursuit of success. Also noted was the presence of an overriding sense on the part of the members of 12SC of being a TEAM of folks dedicated to each others success and well-being.

Finally, there was an expression of confidence in the program components ability to accomplish the stated  goal of helping affiliates reach success by emphasizing the company’s guarantee in the form of a free 30-day trial.

Of course, this is all preaching to the choir to me as I decided long ago, to become a part of the antecedent to this program and have decided to upgrade now. I am satisfied many times over that I made a good decision back then as well as now and I gladly commend 12SC to you for your consideration, if making money on line is in you plans going forward.

You don’t have to take my word as final. With the most liberal trial policy in the industry, try 12SC free for thirty (30) days, and see if you aren’t closer to actually understanding how and what you are really trying to accomplish.You can begin your research immediately. Click here> http://www.TherebeforeUStart.com .


Olson C. Rogers

202 N. Main St., SW

M'Ville, GA 31061




Skype: OlsonRogers


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55