Michael Jackson hailed "King of Pop" in the spotlight since the tender age of five; the world watched on as he lived a life of stardom and glamour as well as uphill battles and undoubtedly inside struggles. This Pop Icon crafted a legacy of his own with over the top record breaking hits, a fan base surpassing that of his predecessors, and a self proclaimed promise that he would be the greatest that ever lived. So what finally occurred on his journey through life that caused his dreams to be short lived? No matter what we experience in life whether exhilarating or death defying, at the end of the day there is something that you have to face, yourSELF.
No one said it better than Michael, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways."
This song and many more revealed the quest that Jackson and millions of human beings often embark upon in the middle of life's journey. The objective, "Take a look at yourSELF." Not your neighbor, your boss, your children, or your parents; we all have to come to a point in our lives' when we take an introspective look at who we are and where we're heading. Once that inspection is complete it is up to you to, "Make a change."
Constantly under the media's scrutiny, harassed and criticized for who he did not choose to be, Jackson's journey through life was anything but stress free! "I'm going to end up just like Elvis Presley" was his fear, evidence enough that his demons were lurking, threatening to take him before his time should have been. Or was it? Was the life of Michael Jackson a sacrifice for you and I revealing the demons that we disguise and make believe don't exist?
In my memoir, "The Journey Less Traveled: Choose to Turn Your Tragedy into Triumph" is an interactive journal called, Seven Steps to Developing a Conquerors Mentality. Step Six: Recognize Lesson Learned, teaches the reader how to take a tragic situation and embrace the opportunity to learn and grow from its occurrence. So the "King of Pop" is no longer with us but he left behind a lifetime of memories. In order to move forward from any tragedy we have to embrace its reality. Given the opportunity to live your life differently, think about what you now know and implement how you choose to live and grow.
I would like to highlight, "Lessons of Tragedy and Triumph" from the life and death of "The King of Pop" Michael Jackson:
1. Always find time to invest in our future generation
2. Never give a deaf ear to wisdom and advice from your loved ones and trusted friends
3. Every chance you get always tell others of your love and appreciation for them
4. When you see yourself going down the road to destruction humbly shift gears in an attempt to change your direction
5. Use your God given skills and talents to inspire the world
6. Money is power, but becomes a weakness when used to define who you are
7. Love your mother because you only get one and when time permits give her your all
8. Take the time to heal from past hurts and disappointments, because untreated wounds can lead to an infection
9. There is a call to greatness in each one of us, but it's up to you to answer the call
10. Whenever life knocks you down, never stop dreaming and attempt to get back up
Life is our greatest teacher, but I believe that there are some destinations that could be avoided if we choose to learn from others mistakes. We don't have to be strung up in a hospital room with an intravenous tube in our arm to understand that inhaling a mixture of chemical toxins can cause not only an altered state of being, but possibly lead to death. Unfortunately, everyone does not survive tragedy. But as a survivor of any tragic event, you are given a chance to take your experience, learn and grow, then help someone else.
Loretta "Faith" Harris, M.Ed.
Children's Heart Publishing, CCR certified
Author of, "The Journey Less Traveled: Choose to Turn Your Tragedy into Triumph"
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