13 Oct Marie Antoinette - Let Them Eat Chocolate!

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 Shoe made from 100% Milk Chocolate 

For the launch of my online chocolate boutique, La Parisianne du Chocolat, held at Aerosoles Shoe Store, Saturday October 3rd located in Chicago's Lincoln Park, I created a shoe which I fashionably named "Marie Antoinette" for the infamous last queen of France and homage to the Salon du Chocolat. The shoe was created from pure imported Belgian milk chocolate covered in an edible gold, silver and bronze luster dust antiquing with French Dragree Pearls befitting for a Queen!

Marie Antoinette was often resented by the French citizens for her foreign birth and extravagant lifestyle. She was know to have a been a wild spender as a young queen. Her two main indulgences were shoes and chocolates. Some historians have stated Marie Antoinette owned over 200 pairs of shoes made from the finest of silks, pearls, gold leaves, tapestry, leather, and feathers all hand made for the queen.

The theme of the was "Luscious and Decadence". Shoppers and guests were served three types of chocolate truffles and a chocolate truffle cookie along with champagne. Shoppers were able to nibble on Rome Sambvca Gingerbread Milk Chocolate Truffle enrobed in white chocolate, or partake in a Grand Mariner Cherry Pecan Cranberry Truffle enrobed in powdered sugar, or a Chocolate Truffle Cookie! But the pièce de résistance - the Milk Chocolate Pumpkin Pie ganache Truffle Lollipop enrobed in Dutch Pressed Cocoa and powdered sugar with a swirl of white chocolate vanilla cream. Each customer was able to achieve a "full mouth feel"** while the ganache literally melted on their tongues for a sensual and lingering explosion in their mouth. Voilà! -this was an afternoon fit for a Queen.

I would like to thank all the shoppers, guests, friends, news media and nearby store owners and Barb and Stephanie of Aerosoles Shoes for allowing me to bring my passion to the public!

For more information on how to order any of the chocolates that were on display at Aerosoles Shoe Store please contact La Parisianne du Chocolat at 888-773-7870 or visit our website at http://www.laparisianianeduchocolat.com/ or send an email to info@laparisianduchocoalt.com

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55