26 Sep Income Opportunity Guaranteed

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If you know anything about intentional persistence than you will know what you continue to be persistent in will pay off for you. I served as a Development Director for the American Heart Association and my goal was to raise $270,000. Fast forwarding, I was blessed to raise $272,000. I was not able to raise that just because I was out talking to people everyday and hoping they would volunteer to help the association raise fund.

I had what I called back then intentional persistence. I made this up for myself because when you go out and you are told no more than you hear yes you definitely have to psych yourself up to meet your goal. What does this have to do with Income Opportunity Guaranteed..I will tell you in a few more sentences. What is and how did I use intentional persistence? Everyday in the morning I visualized recruiting volunteers.

I made daily declarations that "my intent was to recruit so many people a day" and I stayed persistent in doing this for 9 months. In other words my purpose, my drive, was to do something everyday towards my goal so I could meet my goal and so I could get that $5000 bonus at the end of the rainbow.

The Black Business Builders Club has the best income opportunity online because it is attached to real people who are providing top notch marketing training on the Internet. I have access to a training video site that cost $399 and I pay for a video training site $49.99 per month and they do not compare to what is being offered in the back office of The Black Business Club. The reason being is they are not interactive and they do not have a focus to EDIFY black business owners and professionals.

The Income Opportunity that can be guaranteed for you is here for you to take and make it happen. Look at the Black Business Builders Club compensation plan and check out the video I have in my video section. This alliance you make will not only show that you are interested in recycling black dollars but it will show that you are serious about your business and you are serious about getting the information from the folks who Know What to Do.

Black Busines Builders Club Powerful Compensation

Skyrocket your Income with Black Business Builders Club

Abundant Regards, Rhonda K Hicks

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55