26 Sep Opportunity Like No Other

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Sometimes it may take a person 6 to 14 times to recognize a good opportunity. At least that has been my experience in fundraising and recruitment. There are some people who see the opportunity right away and they get in right at the beginning. I have experienced that however I am usually an over thinker so sometimes I may miss an opportunity in the beginning. I have personally watched alot of videos, read a host of blogs and I am on so many email lists that its ridiculous.

I listen to people who say they do not have the wherewithal to market online or start their own business or better yet to "recycle black dollars". Now thats what I want to focus on here is "recycling black dollars". I do not have the statistics in front of me, however it does not take a rocket scientist to know that black folks are challenged when it comes to recycling black dollars. There is a really good argument at least it is in my community which is I can not shop all black business owners but I can do my best. There are no black owned grocery stores in my community so I go to Wal-Mart, however I do take my son to a black barber, my daughter to a black beautician, I do my best to network within the black community.

More importantly is the recycling the black dollars the best way you can and to recognize the power of the black dollar. I watched Clarence Coggins for a few months talking about the Black Business Builders Club and I was immediately intrigued but I did not join immediately. I did not take the necessary action. What motivated and inspired me to become a member was the community feel that basically I ha ve not ever felt to a certain extent. The feeling of people really getting in together in an effort to not only recycle black dollars but to network and help each other prosper in ways that are simply phenomenal. The Black Business Builders club is an opportunity like no other because you are without a shadow of a doubt supporting a black owned business which in my opinion is the "new black wall street" online.

This place right here is an opportunity to network and rub shoulders with powerful, knowledgeable people online and offline. Not to mention a compensation plan that can for sure improve your bank account status. I joined almost a month ago and I am just now putting my marketing plan together and I will utilize what I have learned online and offline and I will enhance what I have learned by using the resources that the Black Business Builders Club provides 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

The Black Business Builders Club is an opportunity like no other. Anything you want to know in regards to making money online, how to be a master net worker, how to brand yourself online, how to build webpages, how to build blogs, how to build a list, how to create videos, how to build capture pages, and so much more..you can find that right here inside this club.

Bottom line the BBBC is recycling black dollars at the highest level and they have layed out a plan all we have to do is take it. If you have not joined (hopefully everyone is a member and if so I am preaching to the choir..sorry) and you want to know more about the benefits contact me and lets make it happen. Join an Opportunity Like No Other

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55