16 Sep Life in the Fast Lane -- Perspective

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Our journey through life provides each of us with a unique perspective.  We have the unique capacity to see our lives through a time-adjusted lense.  Einstein attempted to explain this with his theory of relativity.  We don't exist and see our existence only in the moment of each of our life experiences.  Everything that happens is relative to something else -- in time, motion, history.

We are able to put our journey into perspective with everything else going on around us.  Life in the fast lane provides a different perspective.  We can see the way to our goals more clearly, with fewer obstacles and less traffic to slow us down.  Life in the slow lane can be distracting, monotonous, frustrating, and often grinds to a halt.  If you are experiencing any of these things, perhaps you are ready for the fast lane.

Contrary to fears of the unknowing, faster is easier, less cluttered, and permits a clearer vision of where you are going.  Perhaps it is time for you to SPEED UP, and gain a new perspective.  You will have to change some things -- less TV and entertainment, read more "thought leaders", longer work hours, more focus on your priorities, let go of unproductive relationships -- to name a few.  The faster you go the easier it is to shed the burdens that slow you down.

You won't be disappointed.   Join me in the fast lane to success.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55