13 Aug What is a Netbook? Can it be useful for your business?

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Even though we might use a desktop or a laptop for our business, we have another computer as an alternate that might be useful for our business; which is the Netbook. The Netbook itself is a small, lightweight, reasonable priced (cost under $500 most of the time) that has the operating system of either Windows XP or Linux. With all that said, how can a Netbook be used as part of your business? What are some of the disadvantages to using a Netbook?

A Netbook can be useful for your business for the sole purpose for web browsing, checking email, and do a little word processing (Netbooks can hold some applications) while on the go or traveling. They are portable, easy to carry in a backpack or a bag as I have experienced.

Netbooks also has its disadvantages. The disadvantage of owning and using a Netbook is the Netbook has a small keyboard which makes it difficult to type at times, difficulty in installing programs such as games that require lots of space, and of course the small screen making it difficult to see a few view of your applications or sometimes the Internet.

The Netbook may not be for every business but it can have its practical use for your business. How so? There are questions that you can consider when purchasing a Netbook. These questions are:

  1. Does your business require you to store a large amount of data onto your computer?
  2. Does your business run software applications such as games, databases (SQL Server or Oracle) that might require a large amount of space?
  3. Will this be the primary use for your business staff? Will using the Internet and checking their email be enough for your business staff to use?
  4. Will the small screen be efficient enough for you to use or do you need a larger screen to view, like that of a laptop?
  5. Will owning a Netbook for as part of your business help your bottom line in the long run?

These are some questions that one can consider when assessing the needs of your business before purchasing a Netbook.

You might also want to consider giving a few of the Netbooks a test run to see which Netbook will be useful for your business. This might be identifying areas of how much space you need for your Netbook or software applications to use on the Netbook.

In the next article, I will talk about if the decision has been made to purchase a Netbook for your business, which Netbooks can be useful for your business?

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55