08 Aug Content 2009

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In 2005 marketers caught wind of how effective article marketing was and they jumped all over it. They started blindly submitting articles in droves, clogging article directories with poorly written articles.

Directories like Netterweb.com, ClickForContent.com and ExpertArticles.com

that were around for years suddenly vanished in 2006...

in 2006 one of the craves were linking to as many related websites that one could link to, to get top Google search engine ranking. Marketers had hundreds of websites linking back to theirs. The motto,

"The Faster I Create and Send Out (Poor) Articles The More FREE Links I Get!"

Tools such as article spinners, article extractors, services and scripts designed to help you save time and create more of this poor quality content were used with the click of a button.

Don´t use automated tools to produce content or variations of someone else´s and try to pass it off as "killer" or "expert" content. Google is changing the rules of the game in 2007 and you will have to produce genuine unique Content or you will be sorry.


I don´t want to scare you here but check this out-If you build quality-content websites, use Private Label Rights (PLR) articles or hire ghostwriters to create quality content for you, then keep reading.

If you have been involved with Internet Marketing for more than 3 months, then you have probably heard the term: Duplicate Content Penalty. Don´t get nailed using duplicate content because eventually your website rankings will drop link a rock. What to do? increasing your understanding of duplicate content and what you choose to do about it. And if you use Private Label Rights (PLR) articles and think that you are safe in 2007, then think again and keep reading...

If you are building a new website using articles that were submitted to an article directory a few months back, you are using stale (duplicate) content that is already being used on thousands of websites. But of course you can get traffic to your websites using these articles-and your website will not get blacklisted for duplicate content... BUT, you won't get top search engine rankings either.

Back in 2005-2006, by adding your own comments you could easily make any third-party article unique. Add an introduction, and a conclusion. The bad news in 2007 is, this is not enough to make your webpages unique to search engines.

In 2006 and 2007, keyword density ( how often you use a particular keyword on your webpage) played a major roll in how an article was written. Some search engine experts recommended that articles (and web content) stick to between 2%-7% keyword density. And they really got ridiculous with this one. In other words, simply adding your primary keyword 10 or 15 times to your article and expecting top rankings just doesn't cut it anymore. The gap is closing in and Google has finally caught up!

"Links, Links and More Links Are Not Enough Anymore"

Links are still extremely important in 2008 and beyond, but the way you use links has slightly changed. In 2006 many people made a habit of submitting an article and linking back to their home or landing page. Getting a few hundreds back links was often enough to influence the search engines to grant you top rankings. You could even trick Google to boost your ranking by getting hundreds of links to your site (commonly referred to as "Google bombing").

Now days you must use relevant on-target, quality and diverse content on your home and landing pages to really succeed in the search engine rankings. 

Don't just get back links to your homepage (or index) page, link to all your other secondary pages as well. If your website has 30 pages, get links to as many of these pages as you can.

On-page optimization in 2009 is top priority. Just focusing on off-page factors such as getting back links to your website will not be enough in 2009.

The appetite for quality web content is increasing, duplicate content will not be accepted anymore, 100% original content is BEST. To get great Content, you MUST invest the time and address the fundamentals of SEO-Driven Content!

So think-how will I get my Content together in 2009. A long term well-planned, well executed strategy is what builds a long-term insanely successful business.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55