21 Jul What is a Screencast? Why is it important for your business?

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If you ever wanted to demonstrate your company’s products and services to your clients; one can use a good screencast. A screencast is a screen capture that records certain actions from your computer screen accompanied by audio (most of time requiring a microphone) that explains certain steps or procedures. A screencast can be an appealing way to introduce information about your company’s website, blog, or social networking sites. Some examples of creating a screencasts can be an “Overview of Tammy Barbee website” or “Tammy Barbee Team B Demo”.

There are several benefits to using a screencast. The following are:

  • Free to low cost software to use when creating a screencast
  • A way to promote and market your products and services in several areas such as your website, blog, or social networking sites.
  • A way to plan or outline your own actions to demonstrate your products or services to your clients.
  • A way to record tutorials, demos, or tips and tricks and then putting them on the Web for others to access when needed.

One of the software tools to use in order to create and demonstrate your products and services for your business is Jing. I like Jing for the simply fact that it is free and it can be used on both the PC and Macintosh to capture still pictures/photos or create short five minute videos. Screencast can be saved in formats such as .avi, .wmv, .mp4, .mov. this in turn can be uploaded to YouTube, Google Video, Blip.tv just to name a few. Therefore, choosing the right locations to place your screencast can depend on the specifications of your screencasts.

Using screencasts can be an effective tool for your business. Before distributing or creating a screencast; consider the following tips when creating a screencast:

  • What is your target audience? What will my clients learn or gain from this?
  • Plan what you will say by writing out a draft, outline (make use of clear outlines and headings), or notes.
  • Present in small chunks.
  • Should I focus on conversational style or a formal style?

Jing Project
URL: http://www.jingproject.com/

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55