13 Jul Most Devoted Father's [1st] OPEN POSTCARD TO PRES. BARAK H. OBAMA (Dated:7/13/09)

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The following post card was sent to Pres. Barak Obama on 7/13/09:

Please "EMANCIPATE" my stolen, sold, enslaved bi-racial sons, Evan & Ethan

 Mr. President,

In April I mailed a letter (Dated: 4/22/09) to you (and to Attn. Gen. Holder, NYS Gov. Paterson & NYS Attn. Gen. Cuomo) about the DIRE PLIGHT OF MY BI-RACIAL SONS.  The letter (and DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE) was sent via Cert. Mail (7008 1300 0002 1541 2976) and stampped as received by The White House on May 19th.

You stressed during the last Pres. campaign and again a few weeks ago ("Father's Day") the fact that [you are bi-racial and] your black father basically abandoned you and your mother when you were young - And you EXHORTED fathers to be more involved in the lives of our children - ESPECIALLY AFRICAN-AMERICAN FATHERS - So, I am extremely eager to hear your response and see if you will take any action to also EXHORT the prompt correction of this gross and bigoted injustice, and the guarantee of the Constitutional Rights; Civil Rights; and the GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS of this most devoted African-American father - And especially my young bi-racial sons, Evan & Ethan Sinclair - because of the fact that I was falsely accused of being abusive during a bitter custody dispute, and then unjustly prevented from having any contact or communication with them for TEN (10) YEARS thusfar - Even though I was their 'PRIMARY CAREGIVER' and a CPS Investigation Report (Dated: 7/6/2000) concluded about my sons: 'THERE IS CONCERN FOR THE CHILDREN'S EMOTIONAL STABILITY IN REGARDS TO THEM NOT SEEING THEIR FATHER.' 

Sincerely, Joshua R. Sinclair

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55