06 Jul Other Microblog sites for your business

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A microblog, such as Twitter, typically allows you to post photos, videos, audio clips, and even short text updates of 140 characters or less. The purpose of using a microblog for your company can be beneficial to promote your business that can be viewed publicly or privately to a target audience to discuss business topics that relates to your products and services.  Besides Twitter, the most notably microblog, let's take a look at four microblogs that can expand your social network and promote your business.

Tumblr lets you post photos, quotes, links, videos, text, and music. Tumblr offers features that include customizing your own theme or even choosing your own colors for your tumblelog. The cool thing about Tumblr is that it lets you reblog by allowing you to repost content from another tumblelog onto your own tumblelog.


If you have people that work for you, this is a microblog that allows you to stay in touch with your employees. You as a boss or your employees can share or post links, post updates about projects, ask questions, track time, and even share your agenda on a daily basis.



In my opinion, Jaikur is similar to Twitter in which it offers a way to share short text updates of 140 characters or less. Some of Jaikur features include customizing your own background, adding your own web feeds, and including the Jaikur badge as part of your blog or website. Another feature of Jaikur is that it offers "Channels". With Jaikur, you can create your own channel that allows your followers to learn more about your topic of interest especially as it may relates to your company products, services, happenings, or company news.



Yonkly allows you to create your own microblog network or a community. Yonkly provides features that includes managing subscriptions which are fee based (this allows for more space usage, custom design add-on's, and creating custom logos) customizing your pages, change your setting, taking advantage of using email templates, checking your statistics on how many users, messages, or invites have been sent out, and integrating a way monetize your network by using advertisements which of course as recommended to use an ad provider such as Google Adsense.


There are more options in using different types of microblogs besides the most notable Twitter. Using different microblogs provides more of a flexibility to expand your social network and to promote your business on other microblog sites.  

So choose a microblog that will suit the needs of your company's products and services.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55