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Is'nt the unjust, blatant and malicious total alienation of BI-RACIAL children from either of their parents (who is from a different ethinc group than the children's custodial parent) a form of "ETHNIC CLEANSING"?

 Is'nt that especially the case if the non-custodial parent's ethnicity is one of the primary reasons (if not THE primary reason) why woefully corrupt and unethical, and blatantly biased (albeit BIGOTED) [ANTI-]Family Court Officials, Divorce Lawyers, Law Guardians and CPS Caseworkers actually condone, sanction, or initiate the total alienation WITHOUT "CAUSE"?

 Something to ponder over, and one of those things that (should) make you go "Hummm..."

 P.S.:  A few months ago I sent a letter to President Barak Obama, NYS Governor David Paterson, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, and NYS Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, chronicling the dire plight of my two, (now teenaged) BI-RACIAL sons, Evan & Ethan Sinclair, with the details (AND DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE) regarding how Evan & Ethan were unjustly stolen from me and totally alienated from me by a "Brigade of Bigots" (blatantly and maliciously using them as PAWNS and as WEAPONS against me - as if my young sons neither have any emotions nor any "Rights") THROUGHOUT THE PAST TEN (10) YEARS (THUSFAR). 

Of course, throughout the last Presidential campaign  - and most recently TWO WEEKS AGO (Father's Day) - Our new President (who is bi-racial, like my sons) repeatedly stressed the fact that his father basically abandoned him and his mother when he was very young.  Hence, President Obama repeatedly exhorts fathers - ESPECIALLY BLACK FATHERS - to be more involved in our children's lives.  So, it goes without saying that I am EXTREMELY EAGER to see what his response will be regarding the Most Devoted Father being UNJUSTLY FORCED OUT of my children's lives and PREVENTED from having any contact or communication with them throughout the past TEN YEARS!

I sent the President's copy via Certified Mail and I have received the return receipt which was stampped confirming that it was received by THE WHITE HOUSE on May 19th.  But I have not [yet] receied any response or reply from ANY of the honorable and esteemed recipients of the aforementioned letter.     

 To be continued 

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55