15 Jun Life in the Fast Lane -- An update of the Empowerment Experiment

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 See that living off of Black business is not that much of sacrifice and has nothing to do with exclusion... it is about love, pride and enlightenment. In the Andersons' EE journey, they've supported dozens of quality Black businesses, professionals, and Black-made products that they would not have even known existed had it not been for their pledge. They have lost nothing in terms of quality or in higher prices. They've gained much in terms or knowledge and power. They live a powerful life! They spend their money in places and in ways that can contribute to their community's improvement. They have brought the issues facing Black business and the economic crises caused by the lack of Black-owned businesses in Black communities back into the national dialogue. This is their journey. This is OUR movement.   

Follow their progress at http://www.eefortomorrow.com/

[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGJTRQ2SZVw 320x240]

Start your own "Empowerment Experiment" in your local neighbohood.

Check out the Black Business Directory at iZania.com to find businesses in your community.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55