14 Apr We need help

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African American/Black male students need help. Someone needs to help them understand the value of a good education. Someone needs to help them see beyond  basketball, baseball, and football. Then again, the school system pushes them in that direction. They push them in that direction because most of the motivational speakers that they bring in to motivate students are athletes. That is what they show the students; consequently, the students are left with little option. On one hand, it is true that it is the responsibility of the school district to push the kids in a direction that would give them a chance to succeed. On the other hand, however, the bigger responsibility is in the nhands of the parents and then the community at large. We in the Black community need to join forces to broaden the options for our male students. If we do not, our community will go wnating for leaders tomorrow.

To that end, each one of us with the requisite skills and know how need to explore the horizon to identify an area for us to contribute. There is room for mentors, tutors, and coaches. Let's forget for a moment the dollars and sense that may or may not be involved, and roll up our shirt selves and go to work. There is room for school hall monitoirs to help keep the schools safe. there is room for school yard monitors to provide the young men and women with a sense of playground security. We need to go back to the good all days and form community groups with ties to schools and churches. Also, there is a need for our community leaders and business leaders to make the education of our young people a priority. It is not a government affair it is a We affair. Our your people, particularly our young men will be wasted if we stand by and do nothing about it. Remember, education more than any thing else gives us the best chance to build a stable community. 

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55