12 Apr EZ2x2 One Easy Business Opportunity

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I would have never imagined that after marketing online and entering into a world of Internet Marketing would I actually not mind asking family and friends to join this opporutnity.
My background is really in educational consulting, marketing, fundraising and information. However since I am so fascinated with the Internet for the last year and a half I have been looking at all of the money makers and training programs out there and I must say this program has really been great thus far. I say great because it has also been my experience that a program starts out good and as soon as you are making money the company is no longer operating. Anyhow, this program is a 2x2 matrix which means you pay $7 one time only. There are six people in your matrix and as soon as your matrix is filled you make $20.
The first time you make money it is actually called cycle $20 is taken out and put into a more lucrative program which is another 2x2 than you are put back into the original 2x2 which positions you to make another $20. There are also 1 up $5 infinity bonuses. This program is a feeder program which you can make money however you begin to really make a residual income when you are placed into the more lucrative 2x2 program.
People are still skeptical because the majority have not marketed online, however the $7 entry is a big help. Interested parties can send in a money order, use a debit card, credit card, alertpay and solid trust pay.
Lately Alertpay is not accepting credit card payments and it has slowed down people sigining up because it takes at least 7 days to get your alertpay account approved. In the past you could use your credit card with alertpay and you would be set however that avenue has been closed until further notice.
Check out the EZ2x2 program where you get spillover and spillunder from your sponsor and from your downline.

Who is the EZ2x2 program for:

  • someone who has a list of people they can market to
  • someone who need a feeder program for people to join and than introduce them to your primary buisness
  • anyone who has not made money online
  • anyone who would like to receive free marketing training when joining this program
  • the simple yet powerful method of climbing out of debt.
  • anyone who wants to make money

Like I said I have been taught to use permission marketing and allow people to be naturally attracted to me but I just had to tell my family and friends. Out of the individuals that have joined four are my friends. Go figure. Click on the banner for more information.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55