11 Apr Up In The Attic Hip Hop Movie Coming This Summer!

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In the 1980’s hip hop era, New Jersey was and is known as the 6th borough. A posse of teenagers was known as the Asiatic Brothers, the Brothers and the Gods. This was due to their self styled fiery wisdom, street astrology, fresh gear and unique personalities. All the girls wanted to meet them and all the hard rocks wanted to know what was going on Up in the Attic. The Attic was the place where it all went down. That is…all the things that teenagers do.  This funky fresh fraternity of brothers experienced peace, love, unity and having fun as well as many of life’s lessons learned up In the Attic.

The film is laced with comedy; reality and keep in it real dialogue.  Youth, teenagers and old school hip hop heads will love it! Coming to you on DVD and select theatres (nationwide) this summer.  Written and directed by Kamal Imani, Cinematography by Christopher Brown of BrownDogg Productions.

For more information go to the following websites:




Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55