02 Apr Sit Still and Listen

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Life is full deadlines, things that need to be done immediately, and necessities. Writing this message was one of those things that fell into these categories for me, but I soon found out that I needed to sit still and listen long enough to actually come up with the words that needed to be put into this message.

Many people might wonder how I could possibly say that I have accomplished more by sitting still to listen instead of putting forth my best effort. My answer is that I could not put forth my best effort until I sat back long enough to understand the message that I wanted to write, the points that I wanted to get across, the direction that I wanted to take, the entire purpose of this particular message, the way that I wanted to deliver this message, and the effect that I wanted the message to have. By sitting still to listen I properly prepared myself before I began writing this message to prevent poor performance, I also listened to people who were on the outside looking in, paid closer attention to my situation, got my priorities in order, really listened to myself, and began to see things from a crystal clear perspective.

The above answer should show everyone reading this message that there is a very big difference between paying attention and doing nothing at all. Even resting is different than doing nothing at all and it seems like one of the simplest things that a person could possibly do, but resting requires us to focus on putting everything to the side except resting. We might not notice the importance of resting and sometimes make it secondary to other things, but we don not realize that all of these important things could be done much better with proper rest and that we begin to exhaust our energy by doing just one more thing before we rest and then another thing and then another thing. This could become a never ending cycle and the only way to stop this cycle is to sit still long enough to listen to your body when it tells you that you are exhausting yourself.

Not only does sitting still to listen help us to understand things that are going on within our bodies, sitting still to listen gives us the focus that is needed to understand things that are going on within our minds, our lives and our surroundings.

Always being on the move and being quick on our feet seems very productive, but moving too fast can be counterproductive if we do not take the time to sit still and listen in the direction that our feet are taking us.

Please take the time to sit still and listen to the voices that can determine the outcome of our future.

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55