31 Mar Why are you wearing a Rock?

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Unless you live under a rock, chances are you have been personally impacted by the current recession that the United States and the world is experiencing globally. Truth be told, you may even opt for a comfortable spot underneath a rock with the hopes of waiting for an optimal time to crawl out from the beneath the rock unscathed. During these times, I revert back to something my father always told me which simply stated that if you are not moving forward, chances are you are moving backwards. Although the rock may seem comfortable and protecting any savings you may have been able to salvage is your only pressing concern, the time is now to position yourself to make a Power Move.

The truth of the matter is: the greatest transfer of wealth is occuring right now. Many of transactions today are currently being executed by private entities at significant discounts. Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, and others have been quoted many times on public television and financial periodicals as stating that this the by far the worst economic times that they have personally been involved in; however they have all raised and purchased more real estate and assets than ever before.

Depending upon your personal/business goals, now is a great time to build a team of professionals (i.e. legal, finance, executive management, etc.) to help navigate your current position to achieve the level of success you are seeking. Take advantage of today's market to help position you and your organization for massive explosion. Besides that, wearing a rock on your head is not very fashionable.

Conceive, Believe , Achieve!!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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