23 Mar Conservatives Defend AIG Bonuses

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Once again the Republican party has demonstrated that it is the party of the rich

Last week Representative Charlie Rangel, (Dem of New York) sponsored House Bill H.R. 1586.  The Bill, essentially will impose a 90 percent tax on bonuses given to employees with family incomes above $250,000 at AIG and other companies that have received at least $5 billion in government bailout money.

Immediately, conservative leaders came out in force against it. From talking heads Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity, to party leaders Michael Steele, and John Boehner, all proclaimed their outrage and indignation. Their justification ranged from the government violating the sanctity of private contracts, to (can you believe this) the Bill only tax's 90%...not 100%

On the March 17 edition of his syndicated radio show, Sean Hannity stated: Whether you like the AIG bonuses or not, think about this: They're going to make a law, and they're going to tax every single penny of it, virtually all of it. In other words, we're going to just steal their money. And they're not going to be able to do a darn thing about it, because we're the government, and if we decide we can confiscate all of their wealth, we're gonna do it."

On the March 18 edition of his Fox News show, Glen Beck said, that he doesn't "like the idea of failed businesses paying bonuses, but what I really, really don't like here is the idea that we are willing to give in to mob rule, and that's what this is." He added: "I mean, the only thing they haven't said is, 'Bring out the monster.' It's mob rule. They are attempting to void legally binding contracts."

Rush Limbaugh has went so far as to accuse the Obama administration of "Ginning up" the whole AIG bonus issue...ain't that what the Bush administration did in justifying the war in Iraq?  

The bottom line is that House Bill H.R. 1586 passed 328-93...with over half of the house republicans voting against it.

The Senate will be taking up their own version of the bonus tax in the next couple of weeks, and already Sen. Jon Kyl, (the Republicans' vote counter) has blocked Democratic efforts to put the Senate version of the tax bill on a fast track to congressional approval.

The thing that gets me is that conservatives have no problem violating a union contract, but will fight like hell to defend big business.  The truth of the matter is the Republican party has become the party of NO! It makes no sense, other then to protect the corporate lobbyist that have a vested interest in the Republican party. To continue to support the rich....over the best interests of the general public.

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55