To the special person reading this message:
Hello. I hope this e-mail finds you doing well. I love the bible. Especially reading about the battles that God's chosen people fought. It was interesting to me when they called in their woman leaders to lead them in battle. Have you ever seen a woman pissed off&ready to fight? She is no joke. I say this to say you should be no joke in every battle that you come up against, whether you are a man or woman, take a note from the woman leaders of old. I recently was reminded of this fact when I got a cold last week. At one point i couldnt breathe. Then i remembered I was a christian&that sickness wasnt a part of the plan. I said "hell no, cold you must go" then I prayed&asked god for healing. I got as serious as a heart attack that i wasnt going to stand for sickness. And i went to sleep. the next day i woke up able to breathe, the cold trying to stay but it lost the battle. Fellow christian, know that you are NO JOKE! YOU are God's children. Capable of fighting off anything that comes up against you &being victorious if you evoke the name of Jesus. Please keep in mind at all times God's promises in Deutronomy 28:1-13. That you'd be the head not the tail, blessed coming& going&a lender¬ a borrower. Do not allow to be taken from you your peace of mind. Peace of mind is a gift from God&yours to have. If anything or anyone is disturbing your joy, peace&happiness, shut them down to china town this instant. Don't let anyone block your blessings. We are officially in March. February was the beginning of the soundwave &this month you will see money flowing into your cofers. Those things that you started in February will start to payoff this month. Dont let the "world's news" influence you. Our God is in control, not the world. Like I told you before, while faminine may ravage the land. It will pass you by. Because you have God's favor, grace & mercy. Until next week, stay blessed!
: )
P.S. Please plan to come and have a good time at one of the two upcoming events:
March 7, 2009 Lady Charmaine Day Barnes and Noble Booksigning at 1:00 p.m. Bay Plaza Bronx, New York
March 15, 2009 Soul Soothing Sunday at Hue-man Bookstore at 3:00 p.m Harlem, New York
"I look forward to seeing your beautiful face at one or both of these events!"
Lady Charmaine Day
Pastor & Christian Consultant
Unlimited Help Ministries
"Helping individuals transform utilizing their mind, body and spirit utilizing the principles of Jesus Christ"
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