27 Feb A 50% Discount in Mortgage Costs is Now Possible

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  Some Lenders Make YOU PAY TWICE  as long

EXISTING Payments can DELIVER Mortgage Freedom FASTER

Why Do Some Borrowers finish 10 Years to 15 Years sooner

You'll Save over $100,000 with a 50% Discount in Mortgage Costs

But you give that money away right now

You'll not find a 50% Discount in Mortgage Costs without a specific, Mortgage Repayment Plan. Borrowers all over this country are just receiving their Mortgage Statements. You'll get yours from your Lender any time now.  That document is very valuable if you have access to the right knowledge. Unfortunately, our communities are lacking in-depth, mortgage-payment knowledge and they pay dearly for it. We'll announce the solution here first on iZania. Mortgage Freedom U. LLC is a new creation with the mission to deliver Robert Kiyosaki's  financial education on mortgages. That financial education is almost always followed by  cash back to Mortgagors or Borrowers, in huge piles.

The Mortgage is the biggest Debt. The Mortgage Industry is also a giant in the Financial World. This was the industry that created our current financial crisis. You would remember, it started with the Sub-Prime Mortgage Loans, followed by the Credit Crunch worldwide, then Bank failures.  Now Stock Markets worldwide have plunged and the world is threatened with another great depression. With the help of God, President Obama and his Team will rescue America from economic disaster.

 Visit our website Mortgage Freedom.  After  visiting this Mortgage Freedom site, you will understand where to find the money. ....Your Money .  You'll feel,  deep inside,  that something just is not right with your Mortgage Payment Plan. You'll look at your Mortgage Statement from your Lender in a new light. This is your Mortgage Payment Report Card.  It reads, (I am being generous here), something like this:

Total Payments  $18,000

Interest Costs $12,000

Principal Payments $6,000

You'll hate the fact that your Lender grabs TWO Dollars out of every THREE Dollars you contribute in monthly mortgage payments  to your Mortgage Freedom Fund. Your share is ONE out of every THREE Dollars. Your Lender's share is TWO Dollars out of every Three Dollars you pay.

You make mortgage payments every month. But Year after Year you watch these numbers. This is the Year End Record of your Monthly Mortgage Payments.  Unknown to you, your mortgage and your plan to pay it down determine your wealth status in this life. Will you have sufficient expense money  to live on when you retire?

Could you retire by age 50 instead of Age 65 like everyone else?

Would you retire wealthy?

Could you become a millionaire like the Top 10 percent?

These Mortgage Statement numbers decide your financial fate. But they change  very, very  slowly.

These Yearly Reports from the Mortgage Lender go out to every Home Owner. Your wealth status is decided by how fast you reverse the entries in these columns. How fast could you get the statement to change and say, for example:

Principal Payments $12,000.

Interest Costs $6,000

Total Payments  $18,000

After all,  the Interest Costs are the Bank's Money that you give them in exchange for  the benefit  of use of their money in financing your home. The Principal column shows the dollars you accumulate to pay off the mortgage loan and to begin to create  wealth for you and your Family. You need a financial education so you would learn how to quickly re-align your payments so they benefit you more than your Lender.

Mortgage Freedom U has designed a Solution. Stay with this Course. We'll show you how to achieve your 50% Discount on your Mortgage costs. 

If you are currently paying down a Mortgage and would like to start immediately to cut your mortgage costs in half, Contact Us with your Mortgage Information so we could begin immediately to reset your Mortgage Payments Report Card so that you too will receive your 50% Discount on your Mortgage Loan costs.

Follow this link and leave  your Mortgage numbers for our calculations. We in return,  will do a free analysis of your current Mortgage Repayment Plan.  This professional consultation, done by mortgage payment specialists, is free at the moment to the iZania community. Others will be charged a fee later on.  So. Please grab the benefit while it lasts. Indeed, this is the first step to unlocking the 50% Discounts that exist in just about every Mortgage.

Cheers, Your Future Wealth is in your Hands....

DebtEraser,  AAA Consumer Credit Solutions.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55