21 Feb It's time to boycott & email the NY Post

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Boycott & email the NY Post
By George Cook www.letstalkhonestly.com  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

When I first heard about the Sean Delonas chimp/Obama editorial cartoon I thought people were exaggerating about it. I thought people may just be too sensitive.

Then I saw it.

This cartoon can easily be called racist and definitely insenstive. Even if you believe the cartoons creator Sean Delonas that it was not his intent to be racist you have to question his judgement in even drawing the cartoon.

But the so called editors of the NY Post deserve the majority of the blame. How none of them saw this cartoon and thought that it could be taken in a racist manner is astonishing. It makes you wonder about the mindset in the editorial offices at the NY post and whether they even understand their community or audience.

Now I don't expect much from the Post. The NY Post is tabloid journalism at it's worst. As I write this the United States is economic turmoil and this rag's top story features a picture of Rihanna's battered face. Not because battered women is a real and serious issue that needs to be addressed but because it will sell newspapers.

I waited until they issued their "apology" and that was it for me. They issued one of those apologies that start with "If we have offended anyone...'"

We all know that really translates as "We don't mean this at all but to shut you bastards up..."

With all that said I will never by the NY Post again. I have brought it before but not often and then only when the NY Times, NY daily News, NJ Star Ledger, and the USA Today were not available. I always found the paper to be tacky and tabloid worthy of only being used at the bottom of bird cages.

I feel that is now time to boycott the NY Post. There don't need to be any grand demonstrations or speeches. Just stop buying the rag. You can also email the NY Post editors and more importantly the editor of Page 6 were the offensive cartoon appeared,. Richard Johnson. The email addresses are below.

It's time to remind the post that it's 2009 not 1809.

Email addresses to the NY Post

Email the editor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Email the Page 6 editor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55