31 Jan Unity first and Solutions follow

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How are we to effective deal with the myriad of social challenges that face our community?  I feel that our inability to be less emotional, and more scientific in our approach to collective development, has created a challenge which must be overcome, in order to realize the positive change, that is desperately needed among our people.  I propose that we implement a systematic and intergenerational process, dedicated to building and maintaining supportive relationships within our community.  We must remember , "The System is the Solution".  The monthly power plan of "10-10-50", is our tool for building  perpetual energy, which gives us the ability to gain greater control, of our politics, economics, and cultural lives.  10-10-50 must become "The Standard of Community Service", and with President Obama in particular, setting the tone and being the example of a community organizer. We should learn from him, and heed his call for each of us to more engaged in the work of group development.  It begins with self-improvement, which is the basis of collective empowerment.  To learn more of our monthly power plan, please visit: www.10-10-50.org
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55