30 Jan Do Politicians know when they are wrong? A new take on the Obama effect

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In that article he goes on to quote Andrew Gilligan in that it could be the Conservatives who are the party of progress. I just cannot see it myself - David Cameron is, to me, a lite version of Thatcher, a very, very lite version but one nonetheless. She was as far from a real term progressive in the sense of personal liberty than most. She was a person who believed in all that has brought the world to where it is today. The politics and the economic policy of so-called ‘free markets’ and deregulation.

This is the way the Labour party are continuing - this is evident in the way the UK economy is collapsing and to some in the IMF the UK will be hit worst. Not the prudent chancellor we were told about while Gordon Brown was holding that position. Not the third way we were told about when Tony Blair came to power.

So who is progressive in the sense of formulating real civil justice, Rights and liberties once again in the UK?

For me that lands firmly at the feet of the Liberal Democrats. They are the only party who want such a change that they propose a written constitution in the UK - with, I may add, the consultation process including the UK citizen themselves - not just a matter of a peer network of ‘experts’.

The Conservatives may have adopted certain aspects of civil liberty - but they are proposing what was not what can be. The Labour party and government are, from what I can see, the most authoritarian government thus far, in the modern age that is - even more than Thatcher - and that is saying something. Yet what we do know is that Thatcher does have Brown’s ear.

Though the Conservative will do many things to bring back what was - that is not progressive, that is bring back the status quo to where it was, a leftward swing if you will. But even that is a start.

For progressive policies you can only look toward the LibDems - and that is the real choice you have. Conservative or LibDem - Labour, one would hope, will be dead in the water until they get their Labour, real Labour roots back.



S.W. Naples Blinds Ink



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55