22 Jan Time to put up or shut up!

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Well, the inauguration is over and the heavy lifting begins.

I have been asked by so many people what I think about President Barak Obama and what he will do, that if I had a dollar for every time I was asked I could book a trip to Africa, stay in a swanky hotel and come back with cash in my pocket. So many people; both Black and White have stated they are so happy Barak won and they say it as if he's gonna change the conditions we have lived for so many years.

NEWS FLASH - - - -

President Obama will not fix any problems that demand local people standing up and doing what only they can do best. I note a few things Obama cannot/will not do, because it is up to the people living in cities to roll up their sleeves and do some things only they can do.

1) Barak cannot make Black people shop and support each other,
2) Barak cannot start the programs that have not been initiated in cities that can turn the minds of listless youth around, so that they will begin to reinvest in themselves to assure a better future,
3) Barak cannot/will not write the grants for programs that will institute training programs that will give the millions of Black unemployed fathers and youth a skill so they can re-enter the workforce and earn a living wage,
Barak will not mentor Black youth in cities outside of Washington, will not do SEO or build your website for free, or provide direct business development services that can position your business for the grants and contracts that will be let under his administration,
4) Barak cannot reverse the bad decisions a person made in securing home loans that they knew they couldn't pay for when it readjusted,
5) Barak cannot go state-by-state, city-by-city to delve into and change bad policies left on the books since segregation; only professional policy-hacks who do it for a living can effectively do so,
6) Barak can stop Black folks from starting businesses that have proven to lead to no growth and are at-best, destined to never grow to a point of hiring over 3 people,
7) Barak cannot stop Black folks with jobs from throwing away their money by shopping at businesses that do not hire us,
8) Barak cannot stop Black folks from putting their money in banks that do not hire/lend to us,
9) Barak cannot stop Black folks from 'giving' their money to nonprofits like the United Way and associate agencies whom have failed to reduce one negative statistic that has haunted us since Brown v. Topeka Board of Education
10) Barak cannot make the Black church be a part of the solution so they are destined to still be a big part of the problem,,,,

the list could go on,,,,,

Whites are elated that America has a Black President as if his presence alone will reverse all that has locked us into a stagnant way of life. Can he make Black folks change their habit of trying to keep up with a Jone's by buying cars and homes for status? Can he make Black men cherish a Black woman as a mate and not just a booty call, a girlfriend or babymaker? Can he make Black parents stop buying hoochified-clothes that they let their daughter wear out in public? Or stop young brothers from making big bucks trashing each other or sexing somebody daughter because it was easy?

Symbolically, Barak Obama proves that 47 years of proper grooming, single-parenting, and encouragement can raise the expectations of a single child to reach for; and achieve exceptional heights. Something every child can be groomed to do. But, it was a many that played a role in grinding, grooming, rubbing and polishing this Black Knight; and it is we that can do the same with youth we see within our neighborhoods and community.

There has been no pledge that we will take responsibility for ourselves and stop letting others decide and care for us. I asked the 6,000 BBS members to make a simple contribution to BBS nonprofits and I would bet more gift from China was bought than giving to people operating nonprofits in our own 'friends' network. I made three $20 contributions to nonprofit on BBS and received none. We as a people have no collective goals so we have no challenge or vision for collective growth. At this rate the welfare agencies, parole office, agencies that have gotten fat off our incoherence will continue to prosper. We are just as lost as a people on Jan. 21st as we were on Jan. 19th.

A fool and their money will soon part and we have been very foolish with our 800B dollars of discretionary spending. Barak can't change that. But we can.

Don't be fooled by they hype and caught sitting on the sidelines like a deer in headlights.

I applaud the tenacity of Brother Obama but I am not fooled by my people. I am ready for the grant opportunities when they hit the street. Before Bro. Obama was sworn in, we had made $1,000 building websites for Mexican businesses; even though the Black businesses we pursued said no. We have a standing order to submit a program for first-time juvenile offenders, adult offenders and have partnered with a lending agency that will give our business clients the loans they need to expand their businesses in the industries of construction. We are on the verge of having another city change its procurement policies that will erase an existing policy that has played a role in marginalizing Black businesses since (forever). Not bad for a guy that like Obama never knew his real dad, is left handed, and was born under the Year of the Ox. (2009 is the Year of the Ox) (People born in the Year of the Ox  are patient, speak little, and inspire confidence in others)

It is our time, but if you choose to sleep it; I won't.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55