08 Jan Would You Abuse an Elderly Person?

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Hi, my name is Nikki,

It takes courage to see a problem and then take action to solve it. Janice Launderdale has started a revolution! Horror for the elderly has been growing at epidemic speed. After the author went through elder abuse with an aunt, she decided to shine the light on elder abuse. She dramatized the chilling greed that emptied her aunt's bank accounts and safe deposit box of nearly $100,000.  She witnessed her aunt's depression from emotional abuse, and an attempt to take her house.  The matter ended up in court so she could stop the madness. She wrote this book to equip others to deal with predators that work havoc with senior's lives.  You can get free tips from Janice at: http://blog.newimagewriters.com/, or see her articles at: http://www.writethewrong1.com/


One person can make a difference.

Nikki Jourdan



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55