03 Jan African American Monuments & Statues: The Pyramids at Meroe

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The Pyramids at Meroe (Kush/Sudan/Nubia)
Presented by: The Black Art Depot
The Pyrmids at Meroe (Sudan / Ancient Nubia)
These are photos of the pyramids of Meroe.  They are located in modern day Sudan about 12.5 miles from Khartoum.  At one time, Meroe was the capital of the kingdom of Ancient Kush also known as Nubia.  Many people are unaware of the fact that over 200 pyramids can be found in Kush/Nubia and that there are actually more pyramids in this region than in Egypt.  The pyramids in this region are also the oldest pyramids in the world.  However, these pyramids are not as large and/or as impressive as the ones constructed in Ancient Egypt.  Below you can find some additional videos, maps and resources:
[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIG0e70Z8yE 320x240] 
Map of the Region
Map of Egypt/Nubia
Additional Resources
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55