by George Cook Jan. 1, 2009
Back in the mid to late 80's during an unprecedented wave of black on black crime brought on by crack epidemic there was a rap song released by New York rappers asking the youth to top the violence titled "Self Destruction"
There is a line in that song from Kool Mo Dee that put everything into perspective for me.
" I never ever ran from the Ku Klux Klan and I shouldn't have to run from a black man"
Now here in 2009 that statement is more true than ever. Last year in 2008 many crime stats were down in major cities.
* Detroit had "only" 340 homicides in 2008 down 396 from the year before.
* Chicago actually had an increase from 445 homicides in 2007 to 508 in 2008
* In Philadelphia there were 332 in 2008 down from 392 the year before.
What's sad about these stats is not only are many of these victims young black men but that they are being killed by young black men.
A recent study by Northeastern University shows the startling increase of black on black murder since 2008.
Now many will blame the guns laws and the police for not doing a good job. But the question I have is when will we begin to point the finger at ourselves, The Black Community.
The fact is white supremacist groups and bad cops are not the ones murdering our children by the dozens but we rightfully raise all types of hell when they do. When will we challenge our own to stop killing each other.
Many will not like this next statement and I really don't give a damn because to me the lives of our children are more important than an adult's feelings.
Plain and simple you learn a respect for others and human life at home. It's not a teachers job, a police officers job, or a sports figures job. IT'S THE PARENTS JOB!
I know it's hard especially for single parents especially women but there is no excuse not to instill a value for life in your children. There is no reason that a child does not have some sense of values and morals. For the most part we learn those values from our mothers and a good number are dropping the ball in violence plagued communities.
Black men I will make this simple. To those of you taking care of business and doing what you are supposed to do by your children ignore this. To those that are not raising your children in any way you are part of the problem. If a child of yours kills another child then you are just as much responsible for that death as your child because you choose not to be there and teach them better.
We have to start instilling this now. There is no time to waste. Because 30 years after "Self Destruction" was released not only are we still on the path to self destruction but we are picking up speed.
George L. Cook III