08 Dec 1.9 Million Jobs Lost and More On The Way.

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1.9 Million Jobs Lost and More on The Way. Do You Still Think Entrepreneurship Is Not An Option? 


The economy continues to slide into the abyss. The U.S. Labor Department released its monthly unemployment numbers and they showed the economy lost 533,000 jobs in November- the largest one-month job loss since 1974.


Also, as part of the governments report that was released Friday, the government revised higher its estimates of jobs lost in September and October. Instead of 524,000 jobs disappearing in those months, 723,000 were lost. That's an additional 100,000 jobs each month.


If that trend holds true that means that as bad as the numbers were for November, chances are they will be revised to over 600,000 jobs, which would easily put the job loss over 2 Million.


Over 43,000 jobs were lost in the first 5 days of December. Every month this year has seen jobs lost. Can you say ouch!!!


They say that the unemployment rate rose to 6.7 percent up slightly from October. More importantly the rate does not include those who have stopped looking for work. Some reports say that that would push the unemployment rate up over 12.5%.


Now here is the kicker, for Black People the rate is DOUBLE the national average. And in some urban areas the rate of unemployment for Black People is 25% and higher.


Even President-Elect Barack Obama stated on Meet The Press "the economy seems destined to get worse before it gets better"


Unless you plan on waiting for the economy to turn around in 2010-2011 to get a job, no gaurantee or maybe wait on the ‘New Economy'  jobs to be developed, which will require skills that you may not posses, it is critically important to think entrepreneurial.


The time has never been more important to develop the skillsets and get educated in the way of becoming an entrepreneur.


You can spend hours, days, weeks, months, and perhaps years waiting and trying to maintain employment or you can spend that same timeframe learning and developing the skills that will allow you to provide for you and your family.


I hear you, I hear you! "Entrepreneurship is Hard"! You're right!


But so is trying to find and keep a job.

Bro. Bedford
'Conversations With Black Millionaire Entrepreneurs'

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55