02 Dec It's Official, It's a Recession...DUH!!!

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Yesterday a prominent committee of economist made the "Recession" official. Give me a break. Anyone with half a brain and really paying attention to true economics could have told you that months ago.


And yes I did say months ago. These so-called economists declared that the "Recession" started last December. That is one year ago. Anyone who said that we were in a ‘Recession" took their fair share of people calling them crazy and telling them they didn't know what they were talking about. I know I took my fair share of the blows.


By the recession starting a year ago according to the government and economist, it is already longest recession since 1980-81. So now what? That has to be the question on the mind of anyone who has their wealth and livelihood tied into the future movements of the economy.


It is becoming increasingly accepted that this will not be your typical recession. It is already hitting harder and having an impact that is literally wiping out decades of wealth. Since last September over $20 Trillion has been lost in the markets.


As the recession deepens and morphs into a Depression it promises to bring the worst wave of bankruptcies, job losses and wealth destruction anyone of us under the age of 90 has ever experienced.


This time period is challenging the smartest minds in Washington, this time period is swallowing the deepest pockets on Wall Street and this time period is poised to rip through our lives with the force of a Category-5 hurricane.


The Challenge for us today is to learn how to navigate in times like these. We can't continue to depend on those who have said over and over again that this time would not come and yet it is here.


You may need to go back and look over the statements and testimonies of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Secretary of Treasury Henry Paulson and look at how wrong they have been and then see if you want to continue to listen to the wise advice that they and those who subscribe to their ideas and philosophies have been giving the American people.


You hold your future in your hands. At this turning point in our history, it's the choices you make today that will determine your fate - and the destiny of everyone that depends on you - for years to come.


Your and my decisions now will make the difference between a successful career or a lifetime of struggle. Our decisions will determine whether we retire with dignity or live our later years attempting to avoid becoming a ward of the state.


Our decisions will determine if we enjoy wealth and health or poverty and the illnesses that come with poverty.


Be Wise!

Bro. Bedford
'Conversations With Black Millionaire Entrepreneurs'

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55