28 Nov Happy New Year!!!

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Happy New Year?


No, I didn't make a mistake.


I know for the next few weeks there will be a lot of talk and conversation about the holidays and the effect of the economy on the holidays.


So I thought I would skip to a day that many people will reflect on to look at the achievements of the previous year, 2008, and look forward planning the next year 2009.


I personally like the time because it gives me a point to measure my growth and development and what I need to work on to improve in the near future.


I hope your 2008 has been good to you.


Even though I had to deal with the illness and loss of loved ones and deal with a Real Estate Portfolio that was/is challenged by the overall economy, we had some incredible successes...and 2009 looks to be MORE promising.


I hope you have some big plans ready for 2009. It's important to start to focus on 2009 now and think about what skill sets you must be preparing to take with you into the future.


Let's face the facts, the following scenario has happened to all of us at one time or another.


The New Year comes in and we are fired up about our resolutions and we have tons of ideas, and big, big plans and we're ready to crush every obstacle that comes our way.


Then all of a sudden it happens, real life sets in again. STUFF starts to get in the way and all of our plans and projects get derailed.


And then before you know it, it's May or June and we haven't accomplished what we set out to do.


Does this sound familiar? I've been there and done that.


I've been through this cycle a few times and I know for sure that I am thousand$$$ poorer and less developed for it today.


But there is one thing that we can do to avoid falling into that trap.


Take Action ASAP!


The longer we let our ideas and plans sit idle the weaker and less promising they appear. And before you know it the details get fuzzy and soon they vanish.


That's why we must cut the time from idea to implementation as much as we can. If we start making smaller decisions avoiding "analysis paralysis" we can pick up momentum and start accomplishing great things.


You may find yourself accomplishing more in the next 12 months than in the previous 10 years.


I know that's what I'm shooting for.


Then it will truly be a Happy New Year!!!

Bro. Bedford
'Conversations With Black Millionaire Entrepreneurs'


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55