20 Nov 83% Agree: Black Entrepreneurship! The Answer To Black Unemployment

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There was a survey conducted based upon this article I wrote earlier in the year and 83% agreed that Black Entrepreneurship is the answer to Black Unemployment.

What do you think?

The traditional wisdom of go to school, get a good education and get a good paying job with a good company is DEAD.

So much has changed from 30 to 40 years ago. Back then the corporations said, "We'll always be here and take care of you. Stay loyal to us and we will give you medical benefits and take care of your retirement."

Every year we have seen those promises vaporize. It is common almost everyday to read or hear that a company is slashing 10,000, 15,000, 30,000 Jobs or freezing pensions or forcing their employees to be responsible for their own rising Health Care.

The days of a safe, secure job are long gone. Individuals have debated leaving their jobs and becoming entrepreneurs for decades.

In the past, this debate focused on the opportunity and risk of going out on your own. Today, the real risk is staying with a company, because the job you perform could be permanently dismantled within a few years.

I have several family members and friends who have spent the last few years under continuous stress, because they don't know what their future holds, with their job situation in limbo.

Corporations are stressing their remaining employees by pressuring them to perform multiple tasks beyond what they originally signed on for. And this is without appropriate training.

The American Dream has become the American Nightmare. It has been reported that more and more people hate the very thought of going to work on Monday morning.

It has also been said that more suicides are committed on Monday morning before nine o'clock than at any other time of the week.

Today's employees can hardly wait for Friday to come around, and have developed a special cheer to celebrate it: TGIF! Thank God It's Friday!

The real tragedy about what I have mentioned above is that these issues are multiplied in the Black Community.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the unemployment rate is around 5%. There are many, and I mean many who believe that the numbers are bogus and that the unemployment rate is much, much higher. Some say over 20%.

Here is why this is so horrible for the Black Community; the Black unemployment rate is accepted as double the National average. And in some areas it is three to five times the National average.

With more and more corporations moving jobs over seas the void of jobs in the Black Community gets more bleak by the day.

So what's the solution?

Black Entrepreneurship!

It is only through Black Entrepreneurship that a vibrant working community can begin to take shape in the black community.

It is only through Black Entrepreneurship that we will be able to get involved in International Trade and Commerce.

It is only through Black Entrepreneurship that the dreams of little Black boys and Black girls will be realized.

Black Entrepreneurship! The Answer to not only Black Unemployment, but also Black Progress.
Bro. Bedford i
Author of Conversations With Black Millionaire Entrepreneurs
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55