10 Nov Old Business Models Don't Work Anymore!

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I know you have been either reading the ‘Headlines' or hearing of the financial trouble that many, many businesses are having.


From the auto industry to the big banks and brokerage houses on Wall Street they are having BIG trouble.


And the main theme that is being said over and over again is that their Business Models don't work anymore.


And so now there is the mass struggle to reorganize, get leaner, get smarter, become more global, enhance technology, etc, etc, etc...


This is a big lesson for you and I.


As we move forward with our businesses we must keep in mind that the Old Business Models don't work anymore!


You must stay lean, you must get smarter, you must get faster, you must think Network, you think Relationship, and you must think Global.


Think Global Bro. Bedford?


Yeah think Global. I'm not saying that you have to be this big giant Corporation.


I'm saying that it is not a bad thing to have a couple hundred customers in Canada, a couple hundred customers in the UK, a couple hundred customers in Africa, a couple hundred customers in Singapore, a couple hundred customers in Brazil, and of course a couple hundred customers in the old great U.S. of A.


Do you think that your business could survive with this type customer base? Sure it could.


I've been blessed to be able to sell ebooks and other Digital products with this type of customer mix.


I'll take a couple thousand customers World Wide any day. It sure beats trying to force a local economy that is struggling to support you when they can't and in some cases it is not in their interest.


So think of the New Business Models that will not just survive, but Thrive in the 21st Century and beyond.


To Your Victory and Success

Bro. Bedford
 Free reports at http://www.howtobeablackentrepreneur.com/






Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55