07 Nov 1 Million Jobs Lost So Far

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I have been debated about this issue for over two years.


Is Black Entrepreneurship the Answer to Black Unemployment?


In the latest report, which was released this morning, the United States lost over 1 Million jobs this year, so far.


Black Unemployment is over 11% and you know like I know that the numbers are much, much higher than that.


As the recession deepens there will be more and more job losses.


If you never thought that you would live to see the First Black President, I'm sure you never thought that you would live to see Economic times equal to or worse than the Great Depression.


Well, it appears that if you are reading this, you have lived to see both.


I don't want to throw any water on the Fire that is burning in us from the victory of our beloved brother, but we must realize that there is no way that Barack Obama can hire the Millions of Black People that are out of work.


Don't forget the Millions of White people that are out of work and the Millions of Hispanics and other ethnicities.


Especially in Industries that are dying a natural death. There has been a statement for years that has always given guidance to the economic condition of America.


"As GM goes, so goes America"


Well, I think you can see that GM is on life support, as well as the other automakers.


In an interview a couple of weeks ago I stated to the interviewer that the worst thing to do is to try to become an entrepreneur when you are forced to do it.


It is almost impossible to learn the Mindset and Skill set necessary to become an entrepreneur on the fly, especially in a recession. 


So what should one do?


It's time to take an assessment of yourself. What are your strengths? Can you take your strengths and convert them into products and services that help people in uncertain times.


Can you Joint Venture with other entrepreneurs that have strengths that you don't have and vice versa.


Have you ever thought about converting your knowledge into an ebook, Membership Site, Home study course, etc...


Have you sharpened up your marketing skills, maybe you know someone with expertise and they need your help with marketing themselves.


Its time to get sharp, its time to get focused, its time to get educated, its time to find mentors or coaches that can help you. It's time to swallow foolish pride.


I'm sure you have heard or read "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before the fall".


And I'm sure you also heard or read, "The meek shall inherit the Earth".

Bro. Bedford is author of 'Conversations With Black Millionaire Entrepreneurs' and you can receive his Free Report How To Be A Black Entrepreneur In The Information Age at http://www.howtobeablackentrepreneur.com 

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55