05 Nov Heaven Helped Us

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It was over forty years ago when we got the right to vote; forty years ago when Robert F. Kennedy said there would someday be a black president; forty-five years ago when Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream; a fortnight ago when all of the above became an unimaginable reality. Even I was able to finally shed a tear this morning - last night as it all unfolded before my eyes it was too surreal to make me cry. Too unbelievable and esoteric to allow me the pleasure of tears of joy last night, but today is new and vibrant with the reality of change. I can't wait to download President Elect Obama's acceptance speech, and John McCain's concession speech. I want to upload them to my 24/7 Internet radio station and share historic words with the world.

I am motivated to do some reaching out myself now that I can truly call the White House my house. I intend to reach out to our youth with a message of 'yes you can' and insist they pay attention to education, civic responsibility, and socially acceptable behavior. President Elect Obama has shown us how to succeed in a society still steeped in racism. Even as he graciously conceded last night in Arizona, John McCain had to quieten some boo's and hisses from supporters when he mentioned President Obama. Not even in overwhelming defeat can some bigots realize it is time for them to change. Racism is not dead in America yet, but it has been seriously wounded. I want to do my part to disconnect it from life support so the next generation can proceed without anger.

Having spent most of my adult life angry, I will have to adjust my attitude now. I can finally believe the American dream is not only achievable but worth the effort it takes to break glass ceilings. Last night should inspire many of us to create better tomorrows and start believing in ourselves as change agents, and not just creatures of habit. I am ready to re-enter the arena of ideas with a new vigor and resolve as a mentor, motivator, statesman. I am now more comfortable with the written chronicle of life as a black man in America, so my days as a talking head are few. I find the written word to be a better diary of these times, and I want to leave a record of my times that is clear and concise. I want future generations to know we were more than conquerors, we were also agents of change.

We can now do more than set funky fashion standards, or be creators of cool swaggers, or become human jewelry racks, we can make a difference in business, politics, and rocket science. We can now establish our heroes and sheroes based on a higher criteria than sports and entertainment. Nothing feels better than no longer needing a white person to validate me - I have a new role model to do that and the world will call him Mr. President. I want my grandson to look at Barack Obama and see himself in the White House and not the jail house. I want my nieces to look at Michelle Obama and see themselves as first ladies, not bitches and whore's. I want the word nigger left out of our conversations with each other, our music, and our psyche. We must change.

Last but not least, I want to give God His glory! I don't care what your faith is because that is personal, but mine is Christian. I am a servant of a living God with great power and love. I and many others have prayed for His divine intervention in this election for the safety and success of Barack Obama. I am not ashamed to admit I prayed that no hurt, harm, or danger would touch him or his family. I admit to being afraid he would be assassinated if it became clear he would be the democratic nominee for president. I believe the Lord heard our prayers and delivered on His promise never to leave us alone. As I now labor in the closing days of my active role as a church pastor, I intend to spend the rest of my life extolling the virtue of serving a God that heard our cries and pitied every groan. He Lives!

Peace and Prayers - RevG

How real is your religion? Put it to the test at - http://www.sonriseministriesonline.com - and - http://churchofthecynic.com

Listen to Garrett Radio KBFG-FM on the Internet at: - http://www.live365.com/stations/blacktalk -
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55